Annual Health Promotion Conference

13th of June 2024

Implementing a Systems Approach to Mental Health Promotion: From Policy to Practice

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Back row, left to right: Ms Stephanie Priest (Public Health Agency of Canada), Professor Phillip Dodd (Department of Health), Ms Biddy O’Neill (Department of Health), Mr Fergal Fox (HSE), Dr Aleisha Clarke (HSE).                                                                                                                          Front row, left to right: Professor Laura Shields-Zeeman (Trimbos Institute, the Netherlands), Professor Margaret Barry (University of Galway), Dr Lhara Mullins (University of Galway), Ms Soile Ridanpää (Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Finland).

Our 2024 Conference addressed the national policy developments on mental health promotion. It provided a unique platform for practitioners, policymakers, researchers, and international experts across various sectors. The conference successfully addressed how mental health promotion can be advanced, by reflecting on the policy frameworks, implementation structures, processes and practice developments that are required to strengthen mental health promotion at a systems level.

Please find here the Conference 2024 Booklet & Abstracts and the Presentations.


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