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Health Promotion Staff List
Dr Verna McKenna
Contact Details
Discipline of Health Promotion
Aras Moyola
University of Galway
E: verna.mckenna@universityofgalway.ie

Research Interests
Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | 'Health literacy education at the time of COVID-19: development and piloting of an educational programme for university health professional students in 4 European countries'
Papa, R., Sixsmith, J., Giammarchi, C., Lippke, S., McKenna, VB., Di Furia, L., ... & De Winter, A (2023) 'Health literacy education at the time of COVID-19: development and piloting of an educational programme for university health professional students in 4 European countries'. BMC Medical Education, [Details] |
(2023) | ')¿Health literacy interventions in adult speech and language therapy: a scoping review'
McKenna, VB,¿Gilheaney, Ó (2023) ')¿Health literacy interventions in adult speech and language therapy: a scoping review'. Health Expectations, [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Patient public involvement (PPI) in health literacy research: Engagement of adults with literacy needs in the co-creation of a hospital-based health literacy plan'
McKenna, V.B; Sixsmith, J; & Byrne, N (2023) 'Patient public involvement (PPI) in health literacy research: Engagement of adults with literacy needs in the co-creation of a hospital-based health literacy plan'. Health Expectations, [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Population using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure'
Basquille E., McKenna V., Houlihan A., Molony K., McInerney V.,Mannion E., Barton J., Waldron D. (2020) 'An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Rehabilitation Population using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure'. International Journal of Innovative Research in Medical Science, 5 (06):189-200 [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'Facilitators and barriers to the development of health literacy capacities over time for self-management'
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2020) 'Facilitators and barriers to the development of health literacy capacities over time for self-management'. Health Literacy Research And Practice, 4 (2):e104-e118 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'A Qualitative Study of the Development of Health Literacy Capacities of Participants Attending a Community-Based Cardiovascular Health Programme'
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2018) 'A Qualitative Study of the Development of Health Literacy Capacities of Participants Attending a Community-Based Cardiovascular Health Programme'. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 15 (6) [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'A Qualitative Study of the Development of Health Literacy Capacities of Participants Attending a Community-Based Cardiovascular Health Programme'
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2018) 'A Qualitative Study of the Development of Health Literacy Capacities of Participants Attending a Community-Based Cardiovascular Health Programme'. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 15 (6) [DOI] [Details] |
(2017) | 'The relevance of context in understanding health literacy skills: Findings from a qualitative study'
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2017) 'The relevance of context in understanding health literacy skills: Findings from a qualitative study'. Health Expectations, 20 :1049-1060 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2011) | 'How we implemented an integrated professionalism curriculum to 2nd year medical students at the National University of Ireland Galway Medical School, with examples from students' final output'
McNair, A;Moran, C;Mcgrath, E;Naqvi, S;Connolly, C;Mckenna, V;Kropmans, T (2011) 'How we implemented an integrated professionalism curriculum to 2nd year medical students at the National University of Ireland Galway Medical School, with examples from students' final output'. Medical Teacher, 33 :710-712 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'Usefulness of a competency-based reflective portfolio for student learning on a Masters Health Promotion programme'
McKenna, V;Connolly, C;Hodgins, M (2011) 'Usefulness of a competency-based reflective portfolio for student learning on a Masters Health Promotion programme'. Health Education Journal, 70 :170-175 [DOI] [Details] |
(2011) | 'How we implemented an integrated Professionalism curriculum to 2nd year medical students within the National University of Ireland Galway, with examples from the students final output'
Mc Nair, A., Moran, C., Mc Grath, E., Naqvi, S., Connolly, C., Mc Kenna, V., Kropmans, T. (2011) 'How we implemented an integrated Professionalism curriculum to 2nd year medical students within the National University of Ireland Galway, with examples from the students final output'. Medical Teacher, 33 (9):710-712 [Details] |
(2010) | 'Usefulness of a competency-based reflective portfolio for student learning on a Masters Health Promotion programme'
McKenna, V,Connolly, C,Hodgins, M (2010) 'Usefulness of a competency-based reflective portfolio for student learning on a Masters Health Promotion programme'. Health Education Journal, 70 (2):170-175 [DOI] [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Social welfare, housing and health policy and the determinants of quality of life for older people in the Republic of Ireland'
Hodgins, M., & McKenna, V. (2010) 'Social welfare, housing and health policy and the determinants of quality of life for older people in the Republic of Ireland'. Quality In Ageing, 11 (2):19-28 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2003) | 'Local Collaborations: Development and Implementation of Boston's Bioterrorism Surveillance System'
McKenna, V.B., Gunn, J.E., Auerbach, J., Brinsfield, K., Dyer, S., Barry, M.A. (2003) 'Local Collaborations: Development and Implementation of Boston's Bioterrorism Surveillance System'. Journal of Public Health Management Practice, 9 (5):384-393 [Details] |
(2002) | 'Immunization Registries: Costs and Savings'
McKenna, V.B., Sager, A., Gunn, J.E., Tormey, P., Barry, M.A. (2002) 'Immunization Registries: Costs and Savings'. Public Health Reports, 117 :386-392 [Details] |
(2002) | 'Using Volume-Based Surveillance for an Outbreak Early Warning System'
Brinsfied, K.H., Gunn, J. E., Barry, M.A., McKenna, V.B., Dyer, K.S., Sulis, C. (2002) 'Using Volume-Based Surveillance for an Outbreak Early Warning System'. Academic Emergency Medicine, 8 (15) [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | 'The Health Promotion Model of Social Care: Development and Application in Pedagogy for Social Care Practice'
McKenna, VB; Kelly, C; Barry, MM (2022) 'The Health Promotion Model of Social Care: Development and Application in Pedagogy for Social Care Practice' In: International handbook of teaching and learning health promotion: practices and reflections from around the world. Switzerland: Springer Nature. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2021) | 11th IUHPE European Conference on Health promotion
VB McKenna; J Sixsmith (2021) Progressing Action to develop organisational health literacy: findings from a case study 11th IUHPE European Conference on Health promotion Girona, Spain, , 15-JUN-21 - 16-JUN-21 [Details] |
(2021) | Global Health Literacy Summit
VB McKenna; (2021) Developing a protocol for Patient Public Involvement (PPI) health literacy research Global Health Literacy Summit , 10-MAR-21 - 10-MAY-21 [Details] |
(2021) | HLUK Conference 2020 'Health for Life...Developing and promoting healthy environments across the life course'
VB McKenna; J Sixsmith (2021) Health Literacy: an integral component of health professional education HLUK Conference 2020 'Health for Life...Developing and promoting healthy environments across the life course' , 23-APR-21 - 23-APR-21 [Details] |
(2020) | Health Literacy UK 2020
McKenna, VB and Sixsmith, J (2020) Health Literacy-an integral component of Health Professional Education Health Literacy UK 2020 www.sapc.ac.uk www.healthliteracy.org.uk, [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | Society for Academic Primary Care
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J. (2020) Health literacy-an Integral Component of Health Professional Education Society for Academic Primary Care [Details] |
(2020) | Irish Network of Healthcare Educators
McKenna, VB., Sixsmith, J (2020) Health Literacy-an integral component of Health Professional Education Irish Network of Healthcare Educators , 13-FEB-20 - 14-MAR-20 [Details] |
(2019) | 4th European Health Literacy Conference
Sherlock, L. McKenna, VB & Sixsmith, J. (2019) An assessemnt of a maternity uit's written health information 4th European Health Literacy Conference [Details] |
(2019) | Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Educational Settings
Sixsmith, J., McKenna,VB., Bawa, J., Bhandari, C. Boshehri, E.,Hansrani, Z., & Tan, YX. (2019) Introducing Health Literacy to the Medical Undergraduate Curriculum: IMPACCT Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Educational Settings [Details] |
(2019) | 4TH European Health Literacy Conference
McKenna VB;Byrne, N., Sixsmith, J (2019) Development and Implementation of a pilot participatory workshop to build staff capacity towards a sustainable health literate hospital environment 4TH European Health Literacy Conference [Details] |
(2019) | 4th European Health Literacy Conference
Byrne, N., kILKELLY, g., Geoghegan, J., Mckenna, V; Sixsmith, S. (2019) Improving Galway University Hospitals Health Literacy-Developing the Policy on Written Patient Information 4th European Health Literacy Conference [Details] |
(2019) | 4th European Health LiteracyConference
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J., Barry, MM (2019) Facilitators and Barriers toThe Development Of Health Literacy Capacities Over Time: Findings From A Longitudinal Qualitative Study 4th European Health LiteracyConference [Details] |
(2019) | Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Educational Settings. Health Promotion Annual Conference
Sixsmith, J., McKenna, VB, Bawa,J., Bhandari, C., Boshehri, E., Hansrani, Z., & Y Tan, Y. (2019) Introducing Health Literacy to the Medical Undergraduate Curriculum: IMPACCT Building a Healthy Ireland: Promoting Health and Wellbeing in Educational Settings. Health Promotion Annual Conference [Details] |
(2018) | IAPC Annual Education and Research Seminar
Basquille,E., McKenna, VB, Waldron, D. & Houlihan, A. (2018) An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Population Using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure IAPC Annual Education and Research Seminar [Details] |
(2018) | International Pallitive Care Network Poster Exhibition
Basquille, E., McKenna, V., Waldron, D., Houlihan, A. (2018) An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Population Using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure International Pallitive Care Network Poster Exhibition [Details] |
(2018) | Shared Experience-The Journey So Far
Byrne, N., Kilkelly, G., Geoghegan, J., McKenna, V., Sixsmith, J. (2018) Improving Galway University Hospitals Health Literacy Shared Experience-The Journey So Far [Details] |
(2018) | The 22nd Annual Health Promotion Confrence: Participation and Empowerment for Health Serice Users-Strengthening the Circcle
Byrne, N., Kilkelly, G. Geoghegan, J., McKenna, V., Sixsmith, J. (2018) Improvig Galway Universith Hospitals's Health Literacy The 22nd Annual Health Promotion Confrence: Participation and Empowerment for Health Serice Users-Strengthening the Circcle [Details] |
(2018) | Galway University Hospital Research Day 2018
Byrne, N.,Killeyy, G., Geoghehan, J., McKenna, V., Sixsmith, J. (2018) (2018) Improving Galway University Hospitals Health Literacy Galway University Hospital Research Day 2018 [Details] |
(2017) | Social Care Ireland annual conference: The changing face of social care
Power, M., Kelly, C., McKenna, V., Mullins, L., Gough, H., & Clare, C. (2017) Gatekeepers of competency: Practice educators/teachers and the competencies based regulatory framework Social Care Ireland annual conference: The changing face of social care Galway, , 22-MAR-17 - 22-MAR-17 [Details] |
(2015) | Social Care Ireland 2015: Breaking Barriers and Building Relationships
McKenna, V; Kelly, C; Barry, MM (2015) A health promotion model of social care: integrating health promotion into social care practice Social Care Ireland 2015: Breaking Barriers and Building Relationships Sligo Radisson Hotel on the 24th, 25th & 26th March, , 24-MAR-15 - 26-MAR-15 [Details] |
(2015) | Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice
McKenna, V. & Barry, MM (2015) (2015) Examining Health Literacy Practices: a qualitative approach Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice NUI, Galway, [Details] |
(2013) | 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference. Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health promotion in an Irish Context
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2013) An investigation of the development of health literacy over time for persons attending a structured cardiovascular disease prevention and health promotion programme 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference. Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health promotion in an Irish Context Galway, , 03-JUN-13 - 03-JUN-13 [Details] |
(2013) | 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2013) An investigation of the development of health literacy over time for persons attending a structured cardiovascular disease prevention and health promotion programme 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context NUI, Galway, , 29-MAY-14 - 29-MAY-14 [Details] |
(2010) | National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning: Flexible Learning Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin
Pursell, L., McKenna, V. & Griffin, B. (2010) Evaluation of a competency based module in Health Promotion National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning: Flexible Learning Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, Dublin [Details] |
(2009) | 3rd Annual National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning: Research-Teaching Linkages, Practice and Policy, TCD
Pursell, L., McKenna, V. & Griffin, B. (2009) A blended learning enquiry based module for best practice of evaluation skills in health promotion 3rd Annual National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning: Research-Teaching Linkages, Practice and Policy, TCD [Details] |
(2009) | Research, Teaching and Learning, Bologna Symposium - Integrating generic competences in the curriculum, University College Cork
Connolly, C., McKenna, V. and Hodgins, M (2009) Exploring the usefulness of a competency based reflective portfolio for student learning on a Masters Health Promotion programme Research, Teaching and Learning, Bologna Symposium - Integrating generic competences in the curriculum, University College Cork [Details] |
(2000) | . 128 th annual American Public Health Association (APHA) conference
McKenna, V., Sager, A., Gunn, J.E., Tormey, P., Bajaj, R., Barry, M.A. (2000) Cost Effectiveness and Cost Efficiency of an Urban Immunization Registry . 128 th annual American Public Health Association (APHA) conference [Details] |
(1999) | . National Immunization Conference
McKenna, V., Sager, A., Gunn, J.E., Tormey, P., Bajaj, R., Barry, M.A. (1999) Start-up and Operational Costs of an Immunization Registry . National Immunization Conference [Details] |
Published Reports
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | A Briefing Paper: Progressing Action on Effective Ways of Developing Health Literate Organisations.
J Sixsmith and VB McKenna (2020) A Briefing Paper: Progressing Action on Effective Ways of Developing Health Literate Organisations. HPRC, Galway. [Details] |
(2010) | Development and delivery of a competency-based module in health promotion: A guide using blended learning. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre.
Pursell, L., McKenna, V., Griffin, B., McGrory, S. (2010) Development and delivery of a competency-based module in health promotion: A guide using blended learning. Galway: Health Promotion Research Centre. Health Promotion Research Center, Health Promotion Research Center. [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2010) | Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion. Report submitted to the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, HPRC, Galway.
Pursell, L., McKenna, V. & Griffin, B. (2010) Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion. Report submitted to the National Academy for Integration of Research, Teaching & Learning, HPRC, Galway. . [Details] |
(2008) | Enhancing the quality of life of older people reliant on the state pension.
Hodgins, M., McKenna, V., & D'Eath, M. (2008) Enhancing the quality of life of older people reliant on the state pension. National Council on Ageing and Older People, Dublin. [Details] |
(2007) | Obesity Prevention: Getting Health Promotion Evidence into Practice.
McKenna, V; Rowel, D; Barry, MM (2007) Obesity Prevention: Getting Health Promotion Evidence into Practice. Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI, Galway, Galway. [Details] |
(2004) | Review of the National Health Promotion Strategy 2004.
McKenna, V; Barry, MM; Friel, S (2004) Review of the National Health Promotion Strategy 2004. Department of Health and Children, Dublin. [Details] |
(1997) | Training carers of older people: An advisory report.
O'Donovan, O., Hodgins, M., McKenna, V., & Kelleher, C. (1997) Training carers of older people: An advisory report. ational Council of Ageing and Older People, Dublin. [Details] |
(1997) | Training Carers of Older People: An Advisory Report. Dublin; National Council for the Elderly.
O'Donovan, O., Hodgins, M., McKenna, V., Kelleher, C. (1997) Training Carers of Older People: An Advisory Report. Dublin; National Council for the Elderly. National Council of Ageing and Older People, Dublin. [Details] |
(1995) | Health Service Provision for the Travelling Community in Ireland: A Study Commissioned by the Task Force on the Travelling Community and the Department of Health.
O'Donovan, O., McKenna ,V., McCarthy, P., McCarthy, D., Kelleher, C. (1995) Health Service Provision for the Travelling Community in Ireland: A Study Commissioned by the Task Force on the Travelling Community and the Department of Health. Centre for Health Promotion Studies, NUI Galway. [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | Future Research, CMNHS,
Dashdondog, S., McKenna, V., Barry, M.M. (2024) Realist Evaluation of HSE-funded Social Prescribing Services in Ireland. [Poster Presentation], Future Research, CMNHS, Galmont Hotel, Galway , 29-MAY-24 - 29-MAY-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Future Research, CMNHS,
McKenna, VB, Finn, y. & Sixsmith, J (2024) Strengthening communications during patient discharge processes: Improving patient experienced quality of care and patient safety. [Poster Presentation], Future Research, CMNHS, Galmont Hotel, Galway , 29-MAY-24 - 29-MAY-24. [Details] |
(2024) | Global Health Literacy Summit,
McKenna, VB, (2024) Global Health Literacy Summit. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Global Health Literacy Summit, Rotterdam, NL , 18-SEP-24 - 20-SEP-24. [Details] |
McKenna, VB, Annual Health Promotion Conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], STRENGTHENING INTERSECTORAL HEALTH PROMOTION ACTION: BUILDING HEALTHY COMMUNITIES, Galway . [Details] |
(2021) | 11th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion: Transformative action in a changing Europe,
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J (2021) Progressing Action to develop organisational health literacy in a hospital setting: findings from a case study. [Oral Presentation], 11th IUHPE European Conference on Health Promotion: Transformative action in a changing Europe, Online , 16-JUN-21. [Details] |
(2021) | Global Health Literacy Summit,
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J (2021) Developing a protocol for Patient Public Involvement (PPI) for health literacy research. [Oral Presentation], Global Health Literacy Summit, Online , 04-OCT-21. [Details] |
(2021) | Capacity building for eHealth, Annual Health Promotion Conference,
Sherlock, L; McKenna, V; Sixsmith, J (2021) Building capacity to IMproving PAtient-centered Communication Competences (IMPACCT) through the development, implementation, evaluation and dissemination of a pan-European evidence-based Health Literacy Educational Programme. [Poster Presentation], Capacity building for eHealth, Annual Health Promotion Conference, Galway , 24-JUN-21. [Details] |
(2019) | 4TH European Health Literacy Conference,
Sherlock, L., McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J. (2019) An Assessment of a Maternity Unit's Written Health Information. [Poster Presentation], 4TH European Health Literacy Conference, Unuiversity College Dublin Ireland , 14-MAR-19 - 15-MAR-19. [Details] |
(2018) | 10th World Research Congress EAPC,
Basquille,E., McKenna, VB, Waldron, D. & Houlihan, A (2018) An exploration of the needs of a cardiac population using a subjective quality-of-life measure. [Poster Presentation], 10th World Research Congress EAPC, Bern Switzerland , 24-MAY-18 - 26-MAY-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 10th World Research Congress EAPC,
Basquille, E. McKenna, vb; Waldron, D. (2018) An exploration of the needds of a cardiac popuation using a subjective quality-of-life measure. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], 10th World Research Congress EAPC, Bern Switzerland , 24-MAY-18 - 26-FEB-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 5th UK Health Literacy Conference,
McKenna, VB., Sixsmith, J., Byrne, N. (2018) Development of a participatory workshop to build staff capacity towards a sustainable health literate hospital environment. [Poster Presentation], 5th UK Health Literacy Conference, Belfast, NI , 16-FEB-18 - 16-FEB-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 5th Health Literacy UK conference,
McKenna, VB; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2018) A qualitative study of the facilitators in the development of health literacy capacities. [Oral Presentation], 5th Health Literacy UK conference, Belfast, NI , 16-FEB-18 - 16-FEB-18. [Details] |
(2018) | International Palliative Care Network Conference,
Basquille,E., McKenna, VB, Waldron, D. & Houlihan, A (2018) An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Population Using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure. [Poster Presentation], International Palliative Care Network Conference, On-line , 15-NOV-18 - 15-DEC-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference: Particupation and empowerment for health service users: Strengthening the circle,
Byrne, Niki, Kilkelly, Geraldine, Geoghegan, James, McKenna, Verna B, Sixsmith, Jane (2018) Improving Galway Univeristy Hospitals Health Literacy. [Poster Presentation], 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference: Particupation and empowerment for health service users: Strengthening the circle, NUI Galway, Ireland , 07-JUN-18 - 07-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference:Partcipation and empowerment for health service sers: Strengthening the circle,
McKenna V,, Sixsmith, J. and Byrne, N. (2018) Development of a participatory workshop to build staff capacity towards a sustainable health literate environment. [Oral Presentation], 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference:Partcipation and empowerment for health service sers: Strengthening the circle, NUI Galway, Ireland , 07-JUN-18 - 07-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | IAPC Annual Education and Research Seminar 2018,
Basquille,E., McKenna, VB, Waldron, D. & Houlihan, A. (2018) (2018) 'An Exploration of the needs of a Cardiac Population Using a Subjective Quality-of-Life Measure. [Poster Presentation], IAPC Annual Education and Research Seminar 2018, Croke Park, Dublin , 01-FEB-18 - 03-JAN-18. [Details] |
(2017) | Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Knowledge to Action: Using Research Evidence in Health Promotion Policy and Practice,,
McKenna, V; Sixsmith, J; Barry, MM (2017) The relevance of context in understanding how health literacy skills are used: qualitative study findings. [Oral Presentation], Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Knowledge to Action: Using Research Evidence in Health Promotion Policy and Practice,, NUI Galway , 15-JUN-17 - 17-JUN-16. [Details] |
(2015) | Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice,,
McKenna, V. & Barry, MM (2015) (2015) Examining Health Literacy Practices: a qualitative approach. [Oral Presentation], Annual Health Promotion Research Centre conference: Health Literacy: Research, Policy and Practice,, NUI, Galway , 25-JUN-15. [Details] |
(2015) | Health Promotion 19th Annual Summer Conference, Health Literacy: Research, Policy & Practice,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2015) Examining Health Literacy Practices: A Qualitative Approach. [Oral Presentation], Health Promotion 19th Annual Summer Conference, Health Literacy: Research, Policy & Practice, NUI, Galway , 18-JUN-15 - 18-JUN-15. [Details] |
(2015) | The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference: Developing Health Literacy During the Life Course,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2015) Examining Health Literacy Practices: a qualitative approach. [Oral Presentation], The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference: Developing Health Literacy During the Life Course, The Management Centre Europe, Brussels , 17-NOV-15 - 19-NOV-15. [Details] |
(2015) | The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference: Developing Health Literacy During the Life Course,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2015) Examining Health Literacy Practices: a qualitative approach. [Oral Presentation], The 3rd European Health Literacy Conference: Developing Health Literacy During the Life Course, Brussels, , 01-JUN-15. [Details] |
(2014) | Health Literacy: Healthy Living,,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2014) Examining health literacy practices: a qualitative approach. [Oral Presentation], Health Literacy: Healthy Living,, Keele University, UK , 20-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details] |
(2014) | Health Literacy: healthy Living,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2014) Examining health literacy practices: a qualitative approach. [Oral Presentation], Health Literacy: healthy Living, Keele University, UK , 20-JUN-14 - 20-JUN-14. [Details] |
(2013) | 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context. NUI, Galway,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2013) An investigation of the development of health literacy over time for persons attending a structured cardiovascular disease prevention and health promotion programme. [Oral Presentation], 17th Annual Health Promotion Conference: Health in All Policies: Strengthening Multisectoral Health Promotion in an Irish Context. NUI, Galway, NUI Galway , 29-MAY-13 - 29-MAY-13. [Details] |
(2013) | Galway Diabetes Research Centre Meeting,
McKenna, V; Barry, MM (2013) The Development of Health Literacy for Individuals Participating in a Structured Risk Prevention Programme. Galway Diabetes Research Centre Meeting, Galway , 01-OCT-13 - 01-OCT-13. [Details] |
(2008) | Health Promotion Summer Conference,
McKenna, V; Rowel, D; Barry, MM (2008) Obesity prevention: evidence into practice. [Oral Presentation], Health Promotion Summer Conference, NUI Galway , 01-JUL-08 - 01-JUL-08. [Details] |
(2007) | Annual Health Promotion Conference: Building Capacity for Evidence-based Health Promotion,
McKenna, V; Rowel, D; Barry, MM (2007) Getting Health Promotion Evidence into Practice: Obesity Prevention. [Oral Presentation], Annual Health Promotion Conference: Building Capacity for Evidence-based Health Promotion, NUI Galway , 27-JUL-07 - 27-JUL-07. [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2011) | An examination of prisoners’ health needs in the Irish prison setting.
McKeever, B. and McKenna, V. (2011) An examination of prisoners’ health needs in the Irish prison setting. Bulletin [Details] |
(2010) | Evaluation of a blended learning enquiry based module for best practice of evaluation skills in health promotion.
Pursell, L., McKenna, V. & Griffin, B. (2010) Evaluation of a blended learning enquiry based module for best practice of evaluation skills in health promotion. Bulletin [Details] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
(2006) | Building capacity in health promotion in Ireland: past progress and future challenges. Health Promotion Summer Conference.
McKenna, V., Barry, M.M., Friel, S. (2006) Building capacity in health promotion in Ireland: past progress and future challenges. Health Promotion Summer Conference. NUI, Galway: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2003) | Effect of Field Based Emergency Medical Services During Large-scale Public Events on Hospital Emergency Department Visits. 131 st Annual meeting of the APHA.
Serino, R., McKenna, V., Gunn, J.E., Barry, M.A. (2003) Effect of Field Based Emergency Medical Services During Large-scale Public Events on Hospital Emergency Department Visits. 131 st Annual meeting of the APHA. San Francisco, CA, USA: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2002) | Boston's Early Warning System for Bioterrorism: September 11-November 11~ 2001. Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases.
Gunn, J.E., McKenna, V., Brinsfield, K.H., Dyer, K.S., Barry, M.A. (2002) Boston's Early Warning System for Bioterrorism: September 11-November 11~ 2001. Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2000) | Perceived vs. Actual Costs of an Immunization Registry. 128 th annual American Public Health Association (APHA) conference.
McKenna, V., Sager, A., Gunn, J.E., Tormey, P., Bajaj, R., Barry, M.A. (2000) Perceived vs. Actual Costs of an Immunization Registry. 128 th annual American Public Health Association (APHA) conference. Boston, USA: Conference Paper [Details] |
(1998) | The Boston Immunization Information System (BIIS): Assessing Cost. National Immunization Conference.
McKenna, V., Gunn, J., Tormey, P., MacConnell, P., Sager, A., Barry, M.A. (1998) The Boston Immunization Information System (BIIS): Assessing Cost. National Immunization Conference. Atlanta, Georgia, USA: Conference Paper [Details] |
Other Item
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | Social welfare, housing and health policy and the determinants of quality of life for older people in the Republic of Ireland. Quality in Ageing.
Hodgins, M., McKenna, V. (2009) Social welfare, housing and health policy and the determinants of quality of life for older people in the Republic of Ireland. Quality in Ageing. Other Item [Details] |
Technical Publication
Year | Publication | |
(2010) | Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion. Health Promotion Research Centre, Division of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland.
Pursell, L., McKenna, V., Griffin, B. (2010) Evaluation of a competency based module in health promotion. Health Promotion Research Centre, Division of Health Promotion, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland. Technical Publication [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2010) | Development and delivery of a competency-based module in health promotion: A guide using blended learning, HPRC, Galway.
Pursell, L., McKenna, V., Griffin, B. & McGrory, S. (2010) Development and delivery of a competency-based module in health promotion: A guide using blended learning, HPRC, Galway. Technical Publication [Details] |
(2007) | Obesity Prevention: Getting Health Promotion Evidence into Practice. Health Promotion research Centre, NUI, Galway.
Barry, M.M., McKenna, V., Rowel, D. (2007) Obesity Prevention: Getting Health Promotion Evidence into Practice. Health Promotion research Centre, NUI, Galway. Technical Publication [Details] |
Professional Associations
Association | Function | From / To | |
Saoltta Health Literacy Committee | Member | / | |
International Health Literacy Association | Member | / | |
HPRC/HSE Knowledge Network Committee | Co-chair and Member | / | |
CHAIN | Member | 01-JAN-10 / 01-JAN-20 | |
Association of Health Promotion Ireland | Mamber | 01-JAN-05 / 01-JAN-20 | |
UK Health Literacy Group | Member | / | |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Reviewer | 01-JAN-20 / 30-DEC-22 | |
IUHPE | Member | 19-DEC-19 / | |
UK Health Literacy Group | Member | 01-JAN-12 / 01-JAN-20 |
Committee | Function | From / To | |
CMNHS Online Learning working group | Member | 05-JAN-21 / | |
GUH Health Literacy Committe | Academic member | 01-JAN-16 / 01-JAN-20 | |
Steering Committee, Health Promotion Conference 2015 | Abstract Reviewer | / | |
Steering Committee, Health Promotion Conference 2013 | Steering | / | |
Steering Committee, Health Promotion Conference 2014 | Steering | / | |
HSE Knowledge Network Meeting | HPRC representative | 01-JAN-15 / 01-JAN-20 | |
Steering Committee, Health Promotion Conference 2007 | / | ||
CMNHS Learning, Teachins and Assessment | School of Health ciences Representative | 04-DEC-12 / 01-JAN-20 | |
CMNHS Board of Studies | Reviewer of new programmes within CMNHS | 04-DEC-12 / 01-JAN-20 | |
College of Medicine, Nursing, & Health Sciences, Education and Assessment Committee | Reprensatrive from Disciple of Health Promotion. | 09-APR-12 / |
Journal | Role | |
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health | Reviewer | |
Health Education Journal | Reviewer |
Other Activities
Description | |
Reviewer for Health Education Journal (Jan 2018) |
Teaching Interests
Modules Taught
Term/Year | Module Title | Module Code | Subject / Desc | |
Semester 1 | Foundations of Health Promotion | HP846 | Concepts and Principles of Health Promotion | |
2nd Semester | Health Promotion Model of Social Care | SC835 | Social Care | |
Semester 1 | Health promotion and Families | YA07/GYA08 MA Family Support | Health promotion and Families | |
Semesters 1 and 2 | Health Promotion Practice | HP847 | Health Promotion Practice | |
Semester 1 and 2 | 4BAS1 Research Dissertation | SC4123 | Research Dissertation | |
Semester 1 | Determinants of Health | HP848 | Psychological Determinants of Health | |
Semester 2 | Medical Professionalsim 2 | MD2O2 | Medical Professionalsim | |
Semester 1 | Seminar | 2BAS1 Seminar | Social Care | |
Smester 2 | Evalaution of Health Promotion Programmes | HPI50 | Evalaution of Health Promotion Programmes | |
2nd Semester | Health Promotion Approaches and Strategies in the Social Care Context | SC3103 | Social Care | |
Semester 2 | Minor Dissertation Health Promotion | HP505 | Supervision |
External Collaborators
Name | Organisation / Institute | Country | Description of Collaboration | |
Galway University Hospital, PALS team | Galway University Hospital | IRELAND | ||
Professor Andrea Madarasova Geckova ,Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika , (UPJS), | Univerzita Pavla Jozefa Safarika , (UPJS), | SLOVAKIA | ||
Professor Sonia Lippke | JACOBS University | GERMANY | ||
Dr Lucis Di Furia, | Agenzia Regionale Sanitatia (ARS) | ITALY | ||
Dr Andrea De Winter | UMCG | NETHERLANDS |