Dr Martin Power

BA., PhD., PGCert Teaching & Learning

Contact Details

Lecturer Above The Bar
Health Promotion & HPRC
Room 103A
Aras Moyola
University of Galway
E: martin.p.power@universityofgalway.ie


A lecturer with the Discipline of Health Promotion and former Director of the BA (Hons) Social Care and Mphil Social Care at NUI Galway, Martin pursed his undergraduate and doctoral degrees at NUI Galway. Prior to joining the Discipline of Health Promotion, Martin held posts both with IT Carlow and the Adult and Continuing Education Centre, NUI Galway.

Martin’s research interests are broad and include social care theory and practice, workforce development,
regulation, standards and care planning, risk, interdisciplinary working, social policy and adult education.


Research Interests

Social care theory and practice
Care planning
Care workforce and development
Social policy
Adult education
Risk and regulation


The MELODIC project is an EU4Health funded project focused on the mental health needs of young adults (18-35) who have been diagnosed with cancer and their family/caregivers, as well as health and social care professionals supporting these young adults. The project will include the development and testing of an intervention to support young people and their family/caregivers, as well as the development of training and education materials for health and social care professionals around screening, early identification and management of the mental health needs of young people diagnosed with cancer. 

The coordinator is Turku University of Applied Sciences, Finland, with partners in Finland ¿ University of Turku and Southwest Finland Well-being Region, Belgium ¿ European Cancer Organisation, Greece ¿ Cancer Guidance Centre and Panepistimio Dytikis, Estonia ¿ Tartu Health Care College and Tartu Ulikooli Hospital Foundation, Ireland ¿ University of Galway and Cancer Care West, Netherlands ¿ Erasmus Universitair Meisch Centrum, Portugal ¿ Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Lisboa, and Romania ¿ Fundatia Youth Cancer Europe.

Further information available at - https://melodic.turkuamk.fi/


The Simply4Emotions project is Erasmus+ funded and is focused on the creation and development of a simulation game to assist health and social care professionals in enhancing emotional regulation and resilience. Recruitment and retention of health and social care workforces across the globe has been a particular challenge since the Covid-19 pandemic and thus supporting health and social care professionals in enhancing their resilience has never been more important. This project is co-ordinated by DHBW Stuggart, Germany and in addition to University of Galway are partner organisations in Italy ¿ Instituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani, Finland ¿Turku University of Applied Sciences, Stuggart ¿ Wohlfahrtswerk, and two in Greece ¿ Frodizo and Challedu.     

Further information available at - https://simply4emotions.eu/

EduSexAge. EDUcation for healthy SEXuality in older Age.

Edusexage is an Erasmus+ funded 2 year project that aims to raise awareness of the sexual health and intimacy needs of older people. This project is aimed at both older people and the health and social care professionals and aims to raise awareness of this taboo issue and to support older people and health and social care professionals in challenging stereotypes. The project is co-ordinated by ESeniors (France), with partners including Universita delle LiberEta (Italy), The Rural Hub (Ireland), Friedrich-Alexander-Universitat Erlangen-Nurnberg (Germany), Fakulteta za zdravstvene in sociaine vede Slovenj Gradec (Slovenia), Instalofi Levante SI (Spain), and National University of Ireland, Galway. https://www.eseniors.eu/erasmus/

PRAGRESS ¿ Preventing and reducing aggression and violence of older people in long-term care.

Pragress is an Erasmus+ funded 3 year project aimed at preventing and reducing aggression and violence of older people requiring care, through development of education and training materials for formal and informal carers. These materials will be freely available online. The project partners include education and care providers, and the project co-ordinator is Duale Hochschule Baden-Wurttemburg (Germany), with partners including Wohlfahrtswerk Fur-Baden Wurttemburg (Germany), Istituto per Servizi di Ricovero e Assistenza agli Anziani (Italy), Challedu (Greece), Corporation for Succor and Care of Elderly and Disabled. Frodizo (Greece), Turun Ammattikorkeakoulu OY (Finland), and National University of Ireland, Galway. https://pragress.eu/

Family Caregivers Support

Family Caregivers Support is an Erasmus+ funded project around developing resources, materials and strategies for supporting carers to manage the mental and emotional demands of caring. The project is a collaboration between education and training partners including the Association for Interdisciplinary Education and Consulting (ECC, Austria), Center for Social Innovation (CSISY, Cyprus), Institute for Development of Human Potentials (INTEGRA, Slovenia), Polytechnic Institute of Porto (IPP, Portugal), Italian University Line (IUL, Italy), University of Rijeka (MERDI, Croatia), Qualification and Education (QUALED, Slovakia), and National University of Ireland, Galway (HPRC, Ireland). The resources and materials will be available online and as a mobile app and will be available in the languages of the project partners and also in Arabic and Pashtun. Further details and updates on the project can be found at – www.family-caregiver-support.eu

Smart Patients

Smart Patients is a 2 year Erasmus+ funded project lead by Merdi (University of Rijeka, Croatia). The project partners include Wissenschaftsinitiative Niederosterrich (Austria), Integra Institut (Slovenia), QUALED (Slovakia), “Was hab’ ich?” (Germany), Instituto Politecnico do Porto (Portugal), GUNET (Greece) and NUI Galway (Ireland). One of the EU Health Strategy’s concrete themes includes “empowering citizens – putting patients at the heart of the system and encouraging them to be involved in managing their own healthcare needs“. Preventive care should therefore not be left alone to doctors and hospitals. Rather individuals must be empowered and become a “smart patient” and full stakeholder. In line with this strategy, this project is focused on developing online tools for citizens to assist them in become Smart Patients - http://smartpatientinfo.eu


IntimAge was a 2 year Erasmus+ funded project led by the University College of Health Sciences, Slovenji Gradec, Slovenia. The project drew together a range of educational and training providers from Austria (Association for Interdisciplinary Education and Consulting), Germany (Friedrich-Alexander University), Slovenia (Integra Institut), Italy (University delle LiberEta), the U.K. (University of Sheffield), Ireland (National University of Ireland, Galway) and Greece (GUnet – the Greece Academic Network). IntimAge had two aims. 1. To raise awareness of the challenges that older people can confront around intimacy and sexual health, especially when engaging with health and social care professionals. 2. To develop resources for health and social care professionals to assist them in practice. The outputs from IntimAge are a series of modules for health and social care professionals and a guide for trainers. All are freely available, in English, German, Greek, Italian and Slovenian at - - http://etraining.intimage.gunet.gr/
The IntimAge materials received endorsement by Social Care Ireland in November 2016 as a continued professional development (CPD) resource.


Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
EduSexAge - Education for healthy sexuality in older age 01-NOV-21 01-DEC-23
PRAGRESS Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care 01-SEP-20 02-OCT-23
IntimAge: Health and social care promotion materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the thrid age. 01-SEP-14 30-SEP-16

Contract Researchers

  Researcher Name Project Role Funding Body
Dr Saintuya Dashdondog PRAGRESS and EDUSEXAGE Researcher.

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2022) 'Developing Recommendations for Mentoring Programmes in the Undergraduate Health Sciences'
Finn, Y., Smyth, S., Power, M. & Hills, C. (2022) 'Developing Recommendations for Mentoring Programmes in the Undergraduate Health Sciences'. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 14 (2):1-16 [Details]
(2021) 'The discursive construction of HIV stigma in the print media in Ireland'
E Vaughan and M Power (2021) 'The discursive construction of HIV stigma in the print media in Ireland'. Health: An Interdisciplinary Journal for the Social Study of Health, Illness and Medicine, :1-19 [DOI] [Details]
(2020) 'Experiences of stigma in healthcare settings by people living with HIV in Ireland: a qualitative study'
Vaughan, E;Power, M;Sixsmith, J (2020) 'Experiences of stigma in healthcare settings by people living with HIV in Ireland: a qualitative study'. Aids Care-Psychological And Socio-Medical Aspects Of Aids/Hiv, [DOI] [Details]
(2016) 'Risk, science and the politics of the blood scandals in Ireland, Scotland, England and Finland'
Taylor G and Power M (2016) 'Risk, science and the politics of the blood scandals in Ireland, Scotland, England and Finland'. Irish Studies in International Affairs, 27 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) '(re) Structuring the agency: Agency working arrangements and social care in the era of austerity and beyond'
Cantwell J and Power M (2016) '(re) Structuring the agency: Agency working arrangements and social care in the era of austerity and beyond'. Irish Journal Of Applied Social Studies, 16 (2):24-42 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2014) 'Standardising assessment and care planning in Ireland'
Van Lente, E., & Power, M. (2014) 'Standardising assessment and care planning in Ireland'. Quality In Ageing, 15 (1):46-60 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2011) 'Qualifications of non-nursing residential care staff in the Republic of Ireland'
Power, M. & Lavelle, M.J. (2011) 'Qualifications of non-nursing residential care staff in the Republic of Ireland'. Quality In Ageing, 12 (3):152-161 [Details]
(2010) 'Risk, science and blood: The politics of the haemophilia crisis in Ireland'
Taylor, G,Power, MP (2010) 'Risk, science and blood: The politics of the haemophilia crisis in Ireland'. Health Risk & Society, 12 :515-530 [DOI] [Details]
(2010) 'Legal responses to public crisis: Tribunals of inquiry and the blood crisis in the Republic of Ireland'
Power, M. (2010) 'Legal responses to public crisis: Tribunals of inquiry and the blood crisis in the Republic of Ireland'. Journal of Social Criminology, 1 (2):36-63 [ARAN Link] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2010) Risk, science and blood: Politics, HIV, hepatitis & haemophilia in Ireland.
Taylor, G., Power, M. (2010) Risk, science and blood: Politics, HIV, hepatitis & haemophilia in Ireland. NUIG: G Taylor and M Power. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2023) Social care practice and relationships - critical reflections on relationship based practice
Power M and Workers Advisory Group (2023) Perceptions of professionalisation and the future of social care workers in Ireland Social care practice and relationships - critical reflections on relationship based practice Carlow, , 29-MAR-23 - 30-MAR-23 [Details]
(2022) Bringing new and vigorous life to social care: Social Care Ireland annual conference
David Power and Martin Power (2022) I wonder is the story told: what is the future of the voluntary providers in children's residential services Bringing new and vigorous life to social care: Social Care Ireland annual conference Sligo, , 06-APR-22 - 07-APR-22 [Details]
(2022) Bringing new and vigorous life to social care: Social Care Ireland annual conference
Martin Power (2022) Social care work: Contexts and perceptions of professionalisation and public and professional standing Bringing new and vigorous life to social care: Social Care Ireland annual conference Sligo, , 06-APR-22 - 07-APR-22 [Details]
(2016) Balancing care: Recognition and regulation in the era of professionalisation
Power, Martin (2016) Social Care Ireland annual conference Balancing care: Recognition and regulation in the era of professionalisation Nass, Ireland, , 14-APR-16 - 15-APR-16 [Details]
(2015) Breaking barriers and building relationships
Power Martin (2015) Social Care Ireland annual conference Breaking barriers and building relationships Sligo, Ireland, , 24-MAR-15 - 26-MAR-15 [Details]
(2021) Enhancing your practice, building your toolkit. Social Care Ireland annual conference
Power M (2021) Exploring social care workers perspectives on employment and practice: A Social Care Ireland survey Enhancing your practice, building your toolkit. Social Care Ireland annual conference Online, , 11-OCT-21 - 14-OCT-21 [Details]
(2021) FESET (European Social Education Training Foundation) annual conference- Exploring innovation in socio-educational training
M Power; C Hills; C Carroll (2021) The realities of interprofessional learning FESET (European Social Education Training Foundation) annual conference- Exploring innovation in socio-educational training Virtual, , 11-MAY-21 - 11-MAY-21 [Details]
(2021) Annual Meeting- Global Health: New Trends
S Fernandes; P Portugal; L Mullins; M Power; M Letica-Crepulja; A Stevanovic; T Franciskovic; RA Silva. (2021) Family caregivers support: A faciliator to empower family caregivers Annual Meeting- Global Health: New Trends Virtual, , 17-JUN-21 - 19-JUN-21 [Details]
(2019) Irish Sexual Practices
Vaughan, E.;Power, M.; Sixsmith, J. (2019) The elephant in the bedroom- HIV, intimacy and infectiousness in the age of viral undetectability Irish Sexual Practices UCD, , 10-JUL-19 [Details]
(2019) Community Nursing: Resilence in times of change
Power M (2019) Smart Patients: Empowering citizens as experts in their own health Community Nursing: Resilence in times of change Dublin, , 01-MAY-19 - 01-MAY-19 [Details]
(2018) 'Changing the conversation: Discourses of responsibilisation in newspaper coverage of HIV in Ireland and implications for prevention policy and practice'
Vaughan, E.; Power, M.; Sixsmith, J. (2018) Changing the conversation: Discourses of responsibilisation in newspaper coverage of HIV in Ireland and implications for prevention policy and practice' 'Changing the conversation: Discourses of responsibilisation in newspaper coverage of HIV in Ireland and implications for prevention policy and practice' Galway, [Details]
(2018) Social Care Ireland Conference 2018: Working with strenghts and abilities
D'Arcy P & Power M (2018) Registration awareness study Social Care Ireland Conference 2018: Working with strenghts and abilities Athlone, , 21-MAR-18 - 22-MAR-18 [Details]
(2017) Social Care Ireland Conference
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2017) Changing the conversation: discourses of “responsibilisation” in newspaper coverage of HIV in Ireland and implications for prevention policy and practice Social Care Ireland Conference [Details]
(2017) Social Care Ireland annual conference: The changing face of social care
Power, M., Kelly, C., McKenna, V., Mullins, L., Gough, H., & Clare, C. (2017) Gatekeepers of competency: Practice educators/teachers and the competencies based regulatory framework Social Care Ireland annual conference: The changing face of social care Galway, , 22-MAR-17 - 22-MAR-17 [Details]
(2017) 11th Annual Simulation in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Conference - Focus on Simulation Technologies and Education Strategies. Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN)
Summerville S, Casey D, McCarthy B, Hills C, Carroll C, Costello M, Hunter A, Burke E, Kennedy KM, Power M, Byrne D, Donlon K, Hanley M, Ní Chianáin L (2017) Exploring academic staff perceptions and experiences in the development and delivery of an undergraduate inter-professional pilot simulation 11th Annual Simulation in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Conference - Focus on Simulation Technologies and Education Strategies. Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN) Nottingham, UK, [Details]
(2017) 11th Annual Simulation in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Conference - Simulation Technologies and Education Strategies. Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN)
Ní Chianáin, L., Burke, E., McCarthy, B., Costello, M., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Donlon, K., Hunter, A., Kennedy, K., Power, M., Hanley, M., Byrne, D., & Summerville, S. (2017) A Reflective Guide to Inter-Professional Simulation 11th Annual Simulation in Nursing, Midwifery and Allied Health Conference - Simulation Technologies and Education Strategies. Human Patient Simulation Network (HPSN) Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Nottingham - Gateway, Nottingham, UK, , 21-JUN-17 - 22-JUN-17 [Details]
(2016) All Together Better Health VIII. Oxford: UK
Casey, D., Cusack, T., Hunter, A., Felzmann, H., Campbell, L., Tierney, M., Power, M., Meskell, P., Geoghegan, R., Magdalinski, T., Keleher, C., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Burke, E., . . . Doyle, P. (2016) Using digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE) All Together Better Health VIII. Oxford: UK Oxford, UK, , 06-SEP-16 - 09-SEP-16 [Details]
(2016) AIDS and Irish Media: Art and Activism
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2016) Turning the tide: addressing symbolic and structural violence as part of the HIV response in Ireland AIDS and Irish Media: Art and Activism NUI Maynooth, [Details]
(2016) Institutions and Ireland: Medicine, Health and Welfare
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2016) Structural and symbolic violence within the Irish healthcare system: the case of HIV in Ireland Institutions and Ireland: Medicine, Health and Welfare Trinity College Dublin, [Details]
(2016) Social Care Ireland annual conference - Balancing care: Recognition and regulation in the era of professionalisation
Power, Martin; Burke, Eimear; Campbell, Louise, Carroll, Clare; Casey, Dympna; Felzman, Heike; Geoghegan, Rosemary; Hills, Caroline; Hunter, Andrew; Magdalinski, Tara; Meskell, Pauline and Tierney, Marie (2016) what's in a name: The recognition of social care workers by future care professionals Social Care Ireland annual conference - Balancing care: Recognition and regulation in the era of professionalisation Naas, Ireland, [Details]
(2016) Invisible persons: Making humans, communities and social professionals more visible
Power Martin (2016) Commissioning of services in Ireland: Potential, opportunities and challenges Invisible persons: Making humans, communities and social professionals more visible Strasbourg, France, [Details]
(2016) 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference. Dublin: Ireland
Tierney, M., Magdalinski. T., Meskell, P., Hunter, A., Burke, E., Carroll, C., Hills, C., Schmidt-Felzmann, H, Campbell, L., Geoghegan, R., Finn, Y., Power, M., & Casey, D. (2016) Impact of an online interprofessional education programme on the attitudes and perceptions of health and social care students 35th Annual International Nursing & Midwifery Research and Education Conference. Dublin: Ireland , 02-MAR-16 - 03-MAR-16 [Details]
(2015) European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Hunter, A., Meskell, P., Geoghegan, R., McDarby, G., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H. (2015) Student experiences of using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE) European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning University College Cork, Ireland, , 08-JUN-15 - 10-JUN-15 [Details]
(2015) Social care and social policy: Seeking social justice in the era of austerity and beyond
Cantwell, J., & Power, M. (2015) Agency and agencies: Contingency working in social care in Ireland Social care and social policy: Seeking social justice in the era of austerity and beyond DIT Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2015) Ed Tech2015: 16th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association. Limerick: Ireland
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Felzmann, H., Hills, C. Burke, E., Power, M., Finn, Y., Geoghegan, R. Meskell, P., McDarby, G., Hunter, A., Seedhouse, D, Carroll, C, Boland, J., Magdalinski, T & Tierney, M. (2015) Evaluating the use of values-based digital technology to facilitate inter-professional education (IPE) Ed Tech2015: 16th Educational Technology Conference of the Irish Learning Technology Association. Limerick: Ireland University of Limerick, Ireland, , 28-MAY-15 - 29-MAY-15 [Details]
(2015) 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland
Carroll, C., Hills, C., Casey, D., Schmidt-Felzmann, H., Campbell, L., Geoghegan, R., Finn, Y., Hunter, A., Burke, E., Power, M., McDarby, G., Meskell, P., Seedhouse, D., Boland, J., & Tierney, M. (2015) Healthcare students' views on collaboration: An evaluation of a pilot online inter-professional project at NUI Galway 16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference. Dublin: Ireland Dublin, Ireland, , 04-NOV-15 - 05-NOV-15 [Details]
(2015) 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference
Power Martin and Van Lente Eric (2015) Care planning in long-stay settings for older people: Practioner perspectives 5th International Nursing and Midwifery Conference [Details]
(2015) AIDS and Irish Media: Narratives of Shame and Stigma
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2015) Arrested Development: HIV discourse in the media and the ideological function of stigma AIDS and Irish Media: Narratives of Shame and Stigma NUI Maynooth, [Details]
(2015) European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning. Cork: Ireland
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Hunter, A., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., McDarby, G., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., Seedhouse, D., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H. (2015) Students' experiences of using values based digital technology to enhance inter-professional education European Conference on the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning. Cork: Ireland Galway, Ireland, , 19-JUN-15 [Details]
(2015) Queering Ireland
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2015) Lost in Translation?: A comparative discourse analysis of the HIV information on the HSE and NHS websites Queering Ireland UCD, Dublin, [Details]
(2015) Health and Social Care Interprofessional Learning Conference 2015. Dublin: Ireland
Felzmann, H., Tierney, M., Campbell, L., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Hunter, A., Meskell, P., Geoghegan, R., McDarby, G., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., & Casey, D. (2015) Evaluating an online, values-based decision-making interprofessional learning programme in pre-registration health and social care students Health and Social Care Interprofessional Learning Conference 2015. Dublin: Ireland Dublin, Ireland, , 06-OCT-15 [Details]
(2014) Driving healthcare change through health and social care professionals research
Power M (2014) Exploring interdisciplinary perspectives: Social care and medical students' views surrounding the covert administration of medicines Driving healthcare change through health and social care professionals research Dublin, Ireland, [Details]
(2013) Change, challenge, opportunity. Social Care Ireland conference
Martin Power (2013) Professional peering through the looking glass: Social care and medical students' perspectives on covertly administering medicines Change, challenge, opportunity. Social Care Ireland conference [Details]
(2013) Thinking differently: New Curricula, new skills in higher education - Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching conference
Martin Power & Rachel Leonard (2013) Exchanging values and valuing exchanges: The Values-Exchange and interdisciplinary learning Thinking differently: New Curricula, new skills in higher education - Centre for Excellence in Learning and Teaching conference [Details]
(2012) Embracing new agendas for health promotion action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice
Martin Power & Eric Van Lente (2012) Caring about care planning - poster presentation Embracing new agendas for health promotion action: Developing workforce competencies for effective practice [Details]
(2011) Bringing back innovation and creativity to social care work - Social Care Ireland conference
Martin Power & Eric Van Lente (2011) Assessment and care planning in residential centres for older people in Ireland Bringing back innovation and creativity to social care work - Social Care Ireland conference [Details]
(2009) Research led teaching- NAIRTL conference
Griffin, B., Sixsmith, J., & Power, M. (2009) Introducing the Values-Exchange - poster presentation Research led teaching- NAIRTL conference [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2023) Perceptions around professionalisation in social care work in Ireland: A Workers Advisory Group study.
Martin Power and Saintuya Dashdondog (2023) Perceptions around professionalisation in social care work in Ireland: A Workers Advisory Group study. Workers Advisory Group Social Care Ireland, Dublin. [Details]
(2021) Recruitment and retention in social care work in Ireland.
Power M & Burke C (2021) Recruitment and retention in social care work in Ireland. Social Care Ireland, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2018) Statutory registration awareness amongst social care workers.
Power M & D'Arcy P (2018) Statutory registration awareness amongst social care workers. Social Care Ireland, Dublin. [ARAN Link] [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2024) 'Editorial'
Martin Power (2024) 'Editorial' Journal of Social Care, four (one) . [Details]
(2022) 'Recruitment, retention and professionalisation in residential childcare services in Ireland'
Power Martin (2022) 'Recruitment, retention and professionalisation in residential childcare services in Ireland' Scottish Journal of Residential Childcare, 22 (2) :167-187. [Details]
(2022) 'What future for voluntary residential children's providers in Ireland'
Martin Power and David Power (2022) 'What future for voluntary residential children's providers in Ireland' Scottish Journal of Residential Childcare, 21 (1) :1-17. [Details]
(2018) 'Speech and language therapy students' perspectives on ethical dilemmas'
Power M & Leonard R (2018) 'Speech and language therapy students' perspectives on ethical dilemmas' Journal of Clinical Speech and Language Studies, 23 :79-103. [Details]
(2018) 'Social Inclusion and intellectual disability in Ireland: Social inclusion co-ordinators' perspectives on barriers and opportunities'
Kenny A & Power M (2018) 'Social Inclusion and intellectual disability in Ireland: Social inclusion co-ordinators' perspectives on barriers and opportunities' Scottish Journal of Residential Childcare, 17 (4) :2-23. [Details]
(2017) 'Commissioning of human and social services in Ireland: Potential, opportunities and challenges'
Martin Power (2017) 'Commissioning of human and social services in Ireland: Potential, opportunities and challenges' European Journal of Social Education, 28/29 :83-92. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2023) Strenghtening intersectoral health promotion action: Building healthy communities,
Flaiz et al (2023) PRAGRESS - preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care. [Poster Presentation], Strenghtening intersectoral health promotion action: Building healthy communities, Galway , 22-JUN-23 - 22-JUN-23. [Details]
(2023) Strenghtening intersectoral health promotion action: Building healthy communities,
Dr Verna McKenna and Dr Martin Power Co-chairs (2023) Health Promotion Research Centre annual conference. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Strenghtening intersectoral health promotion action: Building healthy communities, Galway , 22-JUN-23 - 22-JUN-23. [Details]
(2022) Health inequality: Action for change. Health Promotion Research Centre annual conference,
Power, M., Shultz, M., Lang, F., & Damn, F. S (2022) Edusexage. EDUcation for healthy SEXuality in old AGE. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], Health inequality: Action for change. Health Promotion Research Centre annual conference, Galway , 16-JUN-22 - 16-JUN-22. [Details]
(2019) Social Care Ireland Conference 2019. Care for social care professionals,
P Byrne and M Power (2019) his workshop provides an opportunity for social care workers to engage directly with the Workers Advisory Group (WAG) as social care work faces into licencing/registration. It is envisaged that the workshop can explore current issues for SCW, that affect best practice, health and wellbeing and barriers to doing the job on a day to day basis, as well as how the WAG can support workers in addressing these issues. [Co-chaired Session], Social Care Ireland Conference 2019. Care for social care professionals, Limerick , 28-MAR-19 - 28-FEB-19. [Details]
(2016) HSCP research conference 'Improving health - research driving innovations in healthcare’,
Power, M., Zeleznik, D., Antic, A., Balaouras, P., Bercko-Eisenreich, S., Bolis, S., Eisenreich, W., Fabbro, A., Hinchliff, S., Lang, F., Plechaty, M., Sixsmith, S., Slattery, T., Ryan, T., Tsibanis, C., Tulisso, V., & Vaughan, E. (2016) Annual Health and Social Care Professionals research conference. [Poster Presentation], HSCP research conference 'Improving health - research driving innovations in healthcare’, Dublin, Ireland , 16-NOV-16 - 16-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016) HSCP research conference 'Improving health - research driving innovations in healthcare',
Byrne, C; Ledwidge, L. and Power M (2016) Annual Health and Social Care Professionals research conference. [Poster Presentation], HSCP research conference 'Improving health - research driving innovations in healthcare', Dublin , 16-NOV-16 - 16-NOV-16. [Details]
(2016) Driving healthcare change through health and social care professionals research,
Burke, M., Carroll, C., Hodgins, M., Lyons, R., McDarby, G., & Power, M. (2016) Health and Social Care Professions Conference. [Poster Presentation], Driving healthcare change through health and social care professionals research, Dublin , 07-SEP-16. [Details]
(2015) Health and Social Care Professions Research Conference,
Burke, M.; Carroll, C.; Hodgins, M.; Lyons, R.; McDarby, G. & Power, M. (2015) Driving healthcare change through collaboration between researchers and health and social care professionals. [Poster Presentation], Health and Social Care Professions Research Conference, Ireland , 01-NOV-15. [Details]


  Year Publication
(2015) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE).
Kelleher, C., Seedhouse, D., Hunter, A., Casey, D., McDarby, G., Cusack, T., Campbell, L., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H. (2015) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). Dublin: The National Forum for the enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education ANET/COS [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2009) After Optimism: Ireland, Racism and Globalisation.
Power, M (2009) After Optimism: Ireland, Racism and Globalisation. Book Review [Details]

Conference Poster

  Year Publication
(2018) Smart patients: Holistic empowerment of patients to become experts in their own health.
Power, M., Letica Crepulja, M., Stevanovic, A., Franciskovic, T., Brulke, B., Bercko Eisenreich, Eisenreich, W., S., Silva, R., De Lurdes Silva Ponte, S., Morim Fernandes, S., Balaouras, P., Butekova, J., & Tsibanis, K. (2018) Smart patients: Holistic empowerment of patients to become experts in their own health. Conference Poster [Details]

Electronic Publication

  Year Publication
(2024) EduSexAge - Education for healthy sexuality in older age.
Epstein, M., Antic, A., Bardus, M., Blazun-Vosner, H., Chapidez-Deschard, T., Coombes, A., Damn, F., Dashdondog, S., Faggi, E., Haridasan, M., Keegan, S., Laborie, S., Lang, F., Martinez, J., Peiretti, C., Power, M., Ramos, I., Rappaport, O., Schulz, M., Zeleznik, D. (2024) EduSexAge - Education for healthy sexuality in older age. Electronic Publication [Details]
(2023) PRAGRESS - Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care.
Flaiz, B., Berg, J., Buchler, A., Dankbar, R., Dashdondog, S., Kanta-oksa, M., Koumanakas, G., Lakovou, K., Macchinone, S., Mastroleon, F., Power, M., Tuis, D., Weber, M. (2023) PRAGRESS - Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care. Electronic Publication [Details]
(2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age.
Power, M., Zeleznik, D., Antic, A., Balaouras, P., Bercko-Eisenreich, S., Bolis, S., Eisenreich, W., Fabbro, A., Hinchliff, S., Lang, F., Plechaty, M., Sixsmith, J., Slattery, T., Ryan, T., Tsibanis, C., Tulisso, V., & Vaughan, E. (2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age. Ireland: Curam, Irish Association of Social Care Workers Newsletter, Electronic Publication [Details]

Electronic Source

  Year Publication
(2020) Family caregivers support.
Eisenreich, W., Franciskovic, T., Power, M., Mullins, M., Bercko Eisenreich, S., Silva, R., Fernades, S., Letica Crepulja, M., Stevanovic, A., Campanino, M., Valjaskova, A., Constanti, P. (2020) Family caregivers support. Electronic Source [Details]
(2019) Smartpatients – Empowering citizens to become experts in term own health.
Franciskovic, T., Eisenreich, W., Power, M., Bercko Eisenreich, S., Kluvankova, K., Silva, R., Balaouras, P., Bulke, B., Letica Crepulja, M., Valjaskova, A. (2019) Smartpatients – Empowering citizens to become experts in term own health. Electronic Source [Details]
(2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age.
Power, M., Zeleznik, D., Antic, A., Balaouras, P., Bercko-Eisenreich, S., Bolis, S., Eisenreich, W., Fabbro, A., Hinchliff, S., Lang, F., Plechaty, M., Sixsmith, S., Slattery, T., Ryan, T., Tsibanis, C., Tulisso, V., & Vaughan, E. (2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age. Electronic Source [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2017) Addressing structural stigma as part of the HIV response in Ireland (Panel discussion on HIV and PrEP, Leinster House).
Vaughan, E.; Power, M; Sixsmith, J. (2017) Addressing structural stigma as part of the HIV response in Ireland (Panel discussion on HIV and PrEP, Leinster House). Leinster House, Dublin: Invited Lectures [Details]

Invited papers

  Year Publication
(2015) NUIG 2015, CELT Symposium in Higher Education.
Casey, D. Campbell, L. Finn, Y. Hills, C. Carroll, C. Hunter, A. Meskell, M. Geoghegan, R. McDarby, G. Power, M. Burke, E. Boland, J. Tierney, M. Seedhouse, D. and Schmidt-Felzmann, H. (2015) NUIG 2015, CELT Symposium in Higher Education. Invited papers [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2023) Preventing and confronting aggression in older people's care.
Power M and PRAGRESS partners (2023) Preventing and confronting aggression in older people's care. Invited Seminars [Details]

Magazine Article

  Year Publication
(2023) Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care.
Martin Power and Saintuya Dashdondog (2023) Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care. Dublin: Social Care Ireland Magazine Article [DOI] [Details]
(2023) The democratic deficit facing social care.
Martin Power (2023) The democratic deficit facing social care. Dublin: Social Care Ireland Magazine Article [DOI] [Details]
(2022) Always the bridesmaid: Trangulating the overlooking of social care work.
Doyle, L., Power, M. & Zubelawlor, J. (2022) Always the bridesmaid: Trangulating the overlooking of social care work. Dublin: Social Care Ireland Magazine Article [Details]
(2021) Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care.
Power M & Flaiz B (2021) Preventing and confronting aggressive behaviour of older people in long-term care. Dublin: Social Care Ireland Magazine Article [Details]
(2021) Recruitment and retention is social care work in Ireland: A Social Care Ireland survey.
Power M (2021) Recruitment and retention is social care work in Ireland: A Social Care Ireland survey. Dublin: Social Care Ireland Magazine Article [Details]
(2018) Smart patients: Holistic empowerment of patients to become experts in their own health.
Power M (2018) Smart patients: Holistic empowerment of patients to become experts in their own health. The Link Magazine Article [Details]
(2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age.
Power, M., Zeleznik, D., Antic, A., Balaouras, P., Bercko-Eisenreich, S., Bolis, S., Eisenreich, W., Fabbro, A., Hinchliff, S., Lang, F., Plechaty, M., Sixsmith, S., Slattery, T., Ryan, T., Tsibanis, C., Tulisso, V., & Vaughan, E. (2016) IntimAge: Health and social care materials that focus on intimacy and sexuality in the third age. Curam Magazine Article [Details]
(2009) Social Care at National University of Ireland Galway.
Martin Power (2009) Social Care at National University of Ireland Galway. Ireland: Curam - Irish Association of Social Care Workers Magazine Article [Details]


  Year Publication
(2012) Caring about care planning - A survey of assessment and care planning tools, processes and perspectives from residential care settings for older people in the Republic of Ireland.
Martin Power & Eric Van Lente (2012) Caring about care planning - A survey of assessment and care planning tools, processes and perspectives from residential care settings for older people in the Republic of Ireland. Report [ARAN Link] [Details]


  Year Publication
(2021) PRAGRESS.
Flaiz et al (2021) PRAGRESS. Trevio Italy: ISRAA and ECHAlliance Seminar [Details]

Video recording / TV

  Year Publication
(2023) Older people and sex: Tackling the taboo.
Dasdondog Saintuya & Power Martin (2023) Older people and sex: Tackling the taboo. Galway: Population health and health services research group Video recording / TV [Details]
(2022) Perception of professionalisation and the future of social care workers in Ireland.
Power Martin & Dasdondog Saintuya (2022) Perception of professionalisation and the future of social care workers in Ireland. Galway: Population health and health services research group Video recording / TV [Details]
(2016) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. March 2016.
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Hunter, A., McDarby, G., Cusack, T., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H., & Magdalinski, T. (2016) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. March 2016. Dublin, Ireland: Video recording / TV [Details]
(2016) Using values-based technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). October.
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Hunter, A., McDarby, G., Cusack, T., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H., & Magdalinski, T. (2016) Using values-based technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). October. Video recording / TV [Details]
(2016) Using values-based technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE).
Casey, D., Campbell, L., Hunter, A., McDarby, G., Cusack, T., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H., & Magdalinski, T. (2016) Using values-based technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). Video recording / TV [Details]
(2015) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE).
Kelleher, C., Seedhouse, D., Hunter, A., Casey, D., McDarby, G., Cusack, T., Campbell, L., Finn, Y., Hills, C., Carroll, C., Meskell, M., Geoghegan, R., Power, M., Burke, E., Boland, J., Tierney, M., & Schmidt-Felzmann, H. (2015) Using values-based digital technology to enhance and evaluate inter-professional education (IPE). Video recording / TV [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2004 PhD Fellowship National University of Ireland Galway

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
Workers Advisory Group, Social Care Ireland Vice-chair Workers Advisory Group /
FESET - European Association of Social Education and Pedagogy Board member /
Journal of Social Care Editor /
Nursing Home Ireland - care planning advisory group invited member /
European Care Certificate Project Board member 01-MAR-09 / 30-SEP-11


  Committee Function From / To
National Health and Social Care Professionals Office Research Group Member 18-SEP-20 /

Teaching Interests

Martin’'s teaching interests include social care theory and practice, social policy and health promotion.

Martin’'s teaching experience has been gained over a number of years, as he has been responsible for teaching on a variety of courses/modules to diverse learner populations. In this time Martin has taught undergraduate and postgraduate learners drawn from diverse socio-cultural learner populations, including traditional post-leaving certificate learners, non-traditional learners (mature and in-service learners), non-national and, international students. This teaching has been delivered to both large (150+) and small (15-30) learner groups through a range of methods, including traditional didactic lectures, blended learning and enquiry based learning.
In addition, Martin has been an examiner for undergraduate programmes and MA and PhD thesis.

Recent PhD candidates.

Dr. Elena Vaughan

Title - Sex, stigma and silence: Sexual politics and the discursive construction of HIV in Ireland.

The aim of this study was to investigate the discourse of HIV and the phenomena of HIV-related stigma in Ireland. The study drew upon theories of language and ideology by theorists such as Foucault and Bourdieu and applied a Critical Discourse Analysis framework in the analysis of media and policy texts pertaining to HIV.  In addition, interviews with people living with HIV were conducted in order to evaluate their experiences of stigma and discrimination.  

Ms. Jaroslava Velartova

Defining and managing risk in adult social care disability services.

This research will explore understandings that surround the manner in which risk is defined, perceived and operationalised by stakeholders.  While risk assessment has become ubiquitous in social care, service users, social care staff and service provider managers often approach risks differently.  As a consequence, there can be challenges to balancing competing demands of independence, autonomy, health, safety and duty of care.

Current Postgraduate Students (Taught)

  Name Degree Primary Supervisor
Sean Whelan Y
Antonia Kenny Y
Deirdre Brennan Y
Martina Osikoya Y

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2019 Elena Vaughan PhD
2022 Jaroslava Velartova PhD Y
2015 Marie Ryan Msc Y