Dr. Mary Lavelle

B.A., M.A., Ph.D

Contact Details

Lecturer Above the bar, Academic Director of MA/Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion Programmes


Dr Mary Jo Lavelle, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., is a lecturer Above the Bar in the Discipline of Health Promotion in the College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at the University of Galway.

Dr Lavelle is the Academic Director for the MA and Postgraduate Diploma Programmes in Health Promotion at the University of Galway. 

Dr Lavelle is a research project lead at the Health Promotion Research Centre (HPRC), which is a designated WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion research. 
Dr Lavelle's research interests are situated in the field of environmental sustainability, health and wellbeing, ecological and environmental determinants of health.

Research Interests

Dr Lavelle's research interests are situated in the field of environmental sustainability and Health Promotion; specifically sustainable lifestyles, pro-environmental behaviours, and quality of life and wellbeing. Mary Jo is particularly interested in the conceptual models that underpin behaviour change, as well as the role played by supportive structural environments and public policy for the promotion of health. Mary Jo's other research interests include: environmental and social determinants of health, social research methods, behavioural geography and segmentation analysis.


Research Projects 

Exploring Community Participatory Approaches to Eco-Health  (2018-2025)

(Role: Co-Supervisor    PhD Researcher: Ann Marie Crosse, HSE)
The research project investigates community-based participatory research approach to mapping local knowledge systems on EcoHealth. The study utilises participatory research methods to explore community awareness and knowledge regarding ecosystem services, health, and sustainability. This research aims to co-produce a Community Toolkit to examine and evaluate community wellbeing through a community-based participatory research approach to mapping local knowledge systems on Eco Health.     

Energy Cultures II

(Funded by Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE); Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA); Mercury Energy, New Zealand)  

Dr Lavelle conducted postdoctoral research at the Centre for Sustainability at the University of Otago, New Zealand. Dr Lavelle investigated policy implications and knowledge translation of sustainability and energy-efficiency research as part of the Energy Cultures II Project. This large-scale interdisciplinary research project developed knowledge and tools to achieve a sustainable energy transition in New Zealand's households, businesses and transport system; for example exploring issues related to energy efficiency and warmth, fuel poverty, aspirations for energy futures, developing strategic capability through eco-innovation, and sustainable transport. The interdisciplinary research team included academics and experts in the areas of human geography, physics, economics, marketing, and law. The Energy Cultures research programme was awarded gold status by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for performing above expectations based on MBIE's evaluation of the project. Highlights included (a) the widespread adoption, in New Zealand and internationally, of the Energy Cultures framework as a way of understanding behaviour, (b) the development of an empirical measure of the dimensions of energy culture, (c) new insights into efficient driving, (d) contributions to electric vehicle policy, and (e) a system dynamics model of electric vehicle uptake.  

TCD Homelabs Project 

(Funded by Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA))

Prior to conducting research with the University of Otago in New Zealand, Mary Jo conducted postdoctoral research at the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin. Here, Dr Lavelle's research involved an ethnographical study called Homelabs. Homelabs, an EPA-funded project lead by Professor Anna Davies at TCD, employed a range of cutting-edge social and technical innovations and interventions with households in order to test and evaluate sustainable washing and food living-lab interventions. Mary Jo's research examined and evaluated longitudinal impacts of sustainable washing and eating behaviour change interventions. The study evaluated the benefits of combining innovative proposals in real-time, real-life situations through working within Irish households. The research found that combining information about the impact of current consumption practices with practical tools and tips, designed to help reduce that impact, far outweighed the success of such interventions adopted in isolation. The project was funded by the EPA STRIVE (Science, Technology, Research and Innovation
for the Environment) Programme 2007-2015.

Segmenting for Sustainability Project  

 (Funded by Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) (2013-2015)

Dr Lavelle conducted EPA-funded postdoctoral research at the School of Geography and Archaeology at the University of Galway from 2013 to 2015. Her research activities concerned the role of segmentation analysis and its utility in promoting greater understanding of pro-environmental behaviours and sustainability in Ireland. Mary Jo developed two innovative typology tools to investigate pro-environmental behaviour change (see Lavelle, Rau and Fahy, 2015).

This research argues for a disaggregation of pro-environmental behaviour into habitual and occasional behaviour. Mary Jo was successfully awarded postdoctoral funding from the Irish Environmental Protection Agency to conduct research in this important area.
This research was conducted as part of CONSENSUS Project, which investigated household consumption, environment and sustainability in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland: http://www.consensus.ie. The project was funded by the EPA STRIVE (Science, Technology, Research and Innovation for the Environment) Programme 2007-2015.

All-island Lifestyle Survey - CONSENSUS Project

(Funded by Irish Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)) 

Mary Jo was awarded EPA-funding to conduct large-scale quantitative research as part of her PhD research to examine household consumption behaviours and lifestyles in the areas of water, energy, food and transport, and issues quality of life across the island of Ireland. Her PhD research was conducted as part of a wider EPA-funded study called the CONSENSUS Project (see www.consensus.ie). Mary Jo received numerous awards for her research from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research; the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies (NUI, Galway); and the Centre for Environment, Development and Sustainability (CEDS).

The CONSENSUS Lifestyle Survey provided an understanding of people's attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable household consumption and sustainable lifestyles, as well as explored respondents household behaviours in the areas of mobility, food, water and energy use across the island of Ireland. It also examined their attitudes towards environmental regulation, environmental responsibility, self-efficacy, as well as issues pertaining to quality of life. This study produced the first extensive baseline data on attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable household consumption and sustainable lifestyles across the island of Ireland.

Smaller Scale Research Projects 


Exploration Of WHO-Five Well-Being Index Scores And Its Association With Bullying Among 10-17 Years School-Aged Children In Ireland

Supervisor (Unfunded Project  

A Secondary Analysis Of The Health Behaviour In School-Aged Children (HBSC) Study In Ireland, 2018 Dataset.

An exploration into the perceived factors that impact physical activity participation among female students attending an Irish University.
Supervisor (Unfunded Project)     

An exploration into the perceived factors that impact physical activity participation among female students attending an Irish University.  

An exploration into the workings of successful Partnerships in the World Health Organization Healthy Cities Initiative? A scoping review

Supervisor (Unfunded Project, 2020)     

Desktop study ¿ a scoping review on exploration into the workings of successful Partnerships in the World Health Organization Healthy Cities Initiative.         

A Process and Outcome Evaluation of a Stress Control Programme for Staff in Hospitals in the West of Ireland
(Supervisor (Unfunded Project in collaboration with HSE)   

This study evaluated the implementation and short-term outcomes of a Stress Control Programme in Irish hospital settings. The study identified factors inhibiting and promoting the effective implementation of the Stress Control programme and measured participants¿ reported behavioural change outcomes in relation to controlling stress, and Facilitators¿ feedback.

Health Promotion Research Centre, University of Galway
(WHO Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion)

Mary Jo worked as a researcher within the Health Promotion Research Centre at University of Galway, which is a World Health Organisation (WHO) Collaborating Centre for Health Promotion. Mary Jo worked on several projects during this time, which involved various elements of data collection and analysis.

The projects included are as follows:

- Investigations of qualifications of non-nursing residential care staff in the Republic of Ireland (2008)
- Development of Public Health Walk with third level students at HEIs (2008)
- Exploration of media reporting on Cryptosporidium outbreak in West of Ireland (2008)



Research Projects

  Project Start Date End Date
'CONSENSUS - Consumption, Environment and Sustainability’ 01-JAN-14 31-DEC-16

Peer Reviewed Journals

  Year Publication
(2021) 'Bridging Knowledge Systems: A Community-Participatory Approach to EcoHealth'
Crosse, A.M., Barry, M.M., Lavelle, M.J. & Sixsmith, J. (2021) 'Bridging Knowledge Systems: A Community-Participatory Approach to EcoHealth'. International Journal Of Environmental Research And Public Health, 18 [Details]
(2021) 'Creating Context for Corridors of Consumption: A case study from Ireland'
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy, F. (2021) 'Creating Context for Corridors of Consumption: A case study from Ireland'. Sustainability, Science and Policy, 17 (1):62-76 [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2016) 'What's Consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment and consumption across three case study locations on the island of Ireland'
Lavelle, M.J., and Fahy, F. (2016) 'What's Consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment and consumption across three case study locations on the island of Ireland'. Irish Geography, 49 (2):29-54 [DOI] [Details]
(2015) 'Different shades of green? Unpacking habitual and occasional pro-environmental behavior'
Lavelle, M.J, Rau, H and Fahy F (2015) 'Different shades of green? Unpacking habitual and occasional pro-environmental behavior'. Global Environmental Change, 2015 (35):368-378 [DOI] [Details]
(2011) 'Qualifications of non-nursing residential care staff in the Republic of Ireland'
Power, M. & Lavelle, M.J. (2011) 'Qualifications of non-nursing residential care staff in the Republic of Ireland'. Quality In Ageing, 12 (3):152-161 [Details]

Book Chapters

  Year Publication
(2014) 'Unpacking the challenges of researching sustainable consumption and lifestyles'
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2014) 'Unpacking the challenges of researching sustainable consumption and lifestyles' In: Challenging Consumption: pathways to a more sustainable future. London: Routledge. [Details]

Published Reports

  Year Publication
(2017) CONSENSUS II: Segmentation, Experimentation and and Biographies for Sustainability.
Davies, A., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Devaney, L., Doyle, R., Lavelle, M.J., and Manton, R. (2017) CONSENSUS II: Segmentation, Experimentation and and Biographies for Sustainability. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Wexford. [Details]
(2017) CONSENSUS Phase II: Towards transformative action for sustainable consumption.
Anna Davies, Frances Fahy, Henrike Rau, Laura Devaney, Ruth Doyle, Mike Hynes, Mary-Jo Lavelle and Richard Manton (2017) CONSENSUS Phase II: Towards transformative action for sustainable consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2016) Energy Cultures Policy Briefs.
Stephenson, J., Barton, B., Carrington, G., Hopkins, D., Lavelle, M.J., Lawson, R.Rees, D., Scott, M., Thorsnes, P., Walton, S. and Wooliscroft, B. (2016) Energy Cultures Policy Briefs. University of Otago: Centre for Sustainability, Dunedin, New Zealand. [DOI] [Details]
(2015) Washing HomeLabs: Longitudinal impact analysis report.
Davies, A.R., Lavelle, M.J. and Doyle, R. (2015) Washing HomeLabs: Longitudinal impact analysis report. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin. [Details]
(2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland.
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy, F. (2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland. Environmental Protection Agency, Wexforfd. [Details]
(2015) ConsEnSus: Consumption, Environment and Sustainability.
Davies, A.D., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Devaney, L., Doyle, R., Heisser, B., Hynes, M., Lavelle, M.J. and Pape, J. (2015) ConsEnSus: Consumption, Environment and Sustainability. EPA Ireland, Co. Wexford. [ARAN Link] [Details]
(2015) WASHLab: Summary analysis.
Davies, A., Lavelle, M.J. and Doyle, R. (2015) WASHLab: Summary analysis. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin. [Details]
(2015) From 'Ever-Greens to Never-Greens' : Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland.
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F. (2015) From 'Ever-Greens to Never-Greens' : Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland.
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2015) Temporal Dimensions of Environmental Behaviour: A briefing note on innovative segmentation approaches to environmental behavioural change across the island of Ireland. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) Towards Sustainability: Overview of household consumption trends for water, energy, food and transport in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland’.
Lavelle, M.J. and Fahy F. (2015) Towards Sustainability: Overview of household consumption trends for water, energy, food and transport in the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland’. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2015) Eating HomeLabs: Longitudinal impact analysis report.
Davies, A.R., Lavelle, M.J. and Devaney, L. (2015) Eating HomeLabs: Longitudinal impact analysis report. Trinity College Dublin, Dublin. [Details]
(2013) CONSENSUS: Consumption Environment and Sustainability.
Davies, A., Fahy, F., Rau, H., Devaney, L., Doyle, R., Heisserer, B., Hynes, M., Lavelle, M.J., and Pape, J. (2013) CONSENSUS: Consumption Environment and Sustainability. EPA, Dublin. [Details]
(2012) (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) 2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport.
Lavelle, M. J., Rau, H., Fahy, F., Heisserer, B. & Hynes, M (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport. NUI Galway, Galway. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (7) Energy consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (2) Environmental concerns. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (8) Conclusion and summary. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling.
Lavelle, M. J. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (1) Methodology and profiling. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey:Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Davies, A., Fahy, F. & Doyle, R. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey:Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (6) Water consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport.
Lavelle, M. J., Rau, H., Fahy, F., Heisserer, B. & Hynes, M (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (3) Transport. EPA Ireland, Co. Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey - Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (4) Food consumption. EPA, Wexford. [Details]
(2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste.
Lavelle, M.J., Carroll, B. & Fahy, F. (2012) Consensus Lifestyle Survey: Report on public attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable consumption and sustainable lifestyles in Ireland: (5) Food waste. EPA, Wexford. [Details]

Conference Contributions

  Year Publication
(2022) 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion,,
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F. (2022) Creating context for corridors of consumption: Unpacking the case of Ireland. [Poster Presentation], 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion,, Montreal, Canada , 15-MAY-22 - 19-MAY-22. [Details]
(2020) Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Creating a More Equitable and Sustainable Environment,
Lavelle, M.J & Pursell, L. (2020) (2020) Understanding planetary biodiversity and ecosystems conservation to transition towards more sustainable forms of consumption practices. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Creating a More Equitable and Sustainable Environment, University of Galway , 18-JUN-20 - 18-JUN-20. [Details]
(2020) Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Creating a More Equitable and Sustainable Environment,
Lavelle, M.J & Pursell, L. (2020) (2020) Dr Lavelle organised and co-chaired this international Health Promotion Conference at the University of Galway (June 2020). This event was delivered in Partnership with the WHO, HSE and Department of Health. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Promoting Health and Wellbeing: Creating a More Equitable and Sustainable Environment, University of Galway & Online , 18-JUN-20 - 18-JUN-20. [Details]
(2019) International EUGEO 2019 conference on Reimagining Europe's Future Society and Landscapes,
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F (2019) `Geographies of Health and Urban Environment: Transitioning towards a Sustainable Future. [Co-chaired Session], International EUGEO 2019 conference on Reimagining Europe's Future Society and Landscapes, University of Galway , 20-MAY-19. [Details]
(2017) Let's Work Together: Marketing, Partnership and Collaborations in Public Library Communities ,
Lavelle, M.J. (2017) Health promotion and Libraries: Towards a healthier Ireland. [Keynote Address], Let's Work Together: Marketing, Partnership and Collaborations in Public Library Communities , Rathnew, Wicklow , 07-NOV-17 - 09-NOV-17. [Details]
(2017) Promoting Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace,
Hodgins, M., O¿Neill, B. Batt,V., Hogan, V., Lavelle,M.J. & Pursell, L. (2017) (2017) Conference Committee Member. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Promoting Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace, University of Galway , 12-JUN-17 - 13-JUN-17. [Details]
(2016) Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions.Wellington, New Zealand. July 6th & 7th 2016. {Organising committee member},
Lavelle (2016) Conference organising committee member for this large international conference in Wellington, New Zealand. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions.Wellington, New Zealand. July 6th & 7th 2016. {Organising committee member}, Wellington, New Zealand , 06-JUL-16 - 07-JUL-16. [Details]
(2015) The 7th SCORAI European workshop,
Lavelle, M.J. (2015) Members of SCORAI and SCORAI EU met at the National University of Ireland, Galway on May 23, 2015 for a one-day roundtable discussion with brief updates and presentations from SCORAI colleagues. [Conference Organising Committee Member], The 7th SCORAI European workshop, NUI Galway , 23-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption,
Lavelle, M.J. (2015) Conference coordinator and chair. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption, NUI Galway , 21-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption,
Lavelle, M.J (2015) MJL chaired a session at this conference on 'Perspectives on sustainable consumption and behavioural change'. [Chaired Session], CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption, NUI Galway , 21-MAY-15 - 23-MAY-15. [Details]
(2015) RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015 - Geographies of the Anthropocene,
Lavelle, M.J (2015) MJL is cochairing two sessions at this conference (with Dr Stewart Barr) on 'Behaviour change in the Anthropocene: Charting new pathways towards sustainability’. [Co-chaired Session], RGS-IBG Annual International Conference 2015 - Geographies of the Anthropocene, University of Exeter, UK , 01-SEP-15 - 04-SEP-15. [Details]
(2013) 45th Conference of Irish Geographers Poster session,
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) Mary Jo organised and co-ordinated the 45th Conference of Irish Geographers’ poster session as part of the Conference of Irish Geographers, which took place at the National University of Ireland, Galway (16-18th May 2013). [Conference Organising Committee Member], 45th Conference of Irish Geographers Poster session, NUI Galway , 16-MAY-13 - 18-MAY-13. [Details]
(2013) Annual Conference of Irish Geographers,
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) Dr Lavelle chaired two sustainable consumption conference sessions , which were entitled 'Charting new pathways towards sustainable consumption: Policy challenges and promising practices', as part of the Conference of Irish Geographers, which took place at the National University of Ireland, Galway (16-18th May 2013). [Conference Organising Committee Member], Annual Conference of Irish Geographers, The National University of Ireland, Galway (16-18th May 2013) , 16-MAY-13 - 18-MAY-13. [Details]

Conference Publications

  Year Publication
(2024) 32nd International Biometric Conference (IBC2024)
Janir, T., Kelly, C., Pursell, L., Lavelle, M.J. & NicGabhainn, S. (2024) (2024) Mental Health Well-being Among School-aged Children in Ireland: Insights from the HBSC Study 32nd International Biometric Conference (IBC2024) Atlanta, Georgia USA, , 08-DEC-24 - 13-DEC-24 [Details]
(2022) 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F. (2022) (2022) Creating context for corridors of consumption: Unpacking the case of Ireland 24th IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion Montreal, Canada, , 15-MAY-20 - 19-MAY-20 [Details]
(2016) Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions
Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Adopting the Energy Cultures Framework to promote pro-environmental behavioural change in Ireland Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions Wellinton, New Zealand, [Details]
(2016) Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin
Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across Ireland Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin, [Details]
(2013) Wellbeing in Ireland Conference: Designing Measures and Implementing Policies
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) Transitioning towards sustainable consumption: The importance of combining quality of life indicators with economic policy measures’ . In: Whitaker Institute for Innovation and Societal Change eds. Wellbeing in Ireland Conference: Designing Measures and Implementing Policies , pp.41-45 [Details]
(2013) RGS-IBG Planning and Environment Research Group (PERG) Symposium at the University of Exeter: UK. (25-26th April 2013)
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) Living the 'Good Life'? A focus on sustainable consumption and quality of life: a cross border case study from the island of Ireland RGS-IBG Planning and Environment Research Group (PERG) Symposium at the University of Exeter: UK. (25-26th April 2013) [Details]

Conference Paper

  Year Publication
(2016) Adopting the Energy Cultures Framework to promote pro-environmental behavioural change in Ireland. Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions, Wellington, New Zealand. 6th July 2016.
Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Adopting the Energy Cultures Framework to promote pro-environmental behavioural change in Ireland. Energy cultures International conference on Sustainable Energy Futures: Understanding Behaviour and Supporting Transitions, Wellington, New Zealand. 6th July 2016. Wellington, New Zealand: Conference Paper [Details]
(2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland Centre for Sustainability Seminar.
Fahy, F and Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across the island of Ireland Centre for Sustainability Seminar. Otago, NZ: University of Otago Conference Paper [Details]
(2015) What's consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment, quality of life and consumption on the island of Ireland. School of Geography and Archaeology Springtime Lecture Series, Galway City Musuem, Galway City. 6th Feb 2015.
Fahy, F and Lavelle, M.J. (2015) What's consuming Ireland? Exploring expressed attitudes and reported behaviours towards the environment, quality of life and consumption on the island of Ireland. School of Geography and Archaeology Springtime Lecture Series, Galway City Musuem, Galway City. 6th Feb 2015. Conference Paper [Details]
(2015) 'From Ever-Greens to Never-Greens: Segmenting for Sustainability on the Island of Ireland'. CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption Transformations National University of Ireland, Galway, 21/05/2015.
Lavelle, M.J. & Fahy, F. (2015) 'From Ever-Greens to Never-Greens: Segmenting for Sustainability on the Island of Ireland'. CONSENSUS International Conference on Sustainable Consumption Transformations National University of Ireland, Galway, 21/05/2015. Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) The Links between Consumption: Quality of life and standards of living’. Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI, Galway.
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) The Links between Consumption: Quality of life and standards of living’. Health Promotion Research Centre, NUI, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2013) Living the ‘Good Life? A focus on sustainable consumption and quality of life: a cross border case study from the island of Ireland”. RGS-IBG Planning and Environment Research Group (PERG) Symposium at the University of Exeter: UK. (25-26th April 2013). ¿.
Lavelle, M.J. (2013) Living the ‘Good Life? A focus on sustainable consumption and quality of life: a cross border case study from the island of Ireland”. RGS-IBG Planning and Environment Research Group (PERG) Symposium at the University of Exeter: UK. (25-26th April 2013). ¿. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) A geography of sustainable household consumption and sustainable lifestyles: a case study from Ireland. Association of American Geographers, NYC.
Lavelle, M.J. (2012) A geography of sustainable household consumption and sustainable lifestyles: a case study from Ireland. Association of American Geographers, NYC. Conference Paper [Details]
(2012) 'Shifting Environmental Policy Focus' An exploration of sustainable lifestyles and social marketing techniques’.
Lavelle, M.J. (2012) 'Shifting Environmental Policy Focus' An exploration of sustainable lifestyles and social marketing techniques’. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) 'Exploring the barriers and motivations underlying sustainable lifestyles: a case study from Ireland'. Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA.
Lavelle, M.J (2011) 'Exploring the barriers and motivations underlying sustainable lifestyles: a case study from Ireland'. Association of American Geographers, Seattle, WA. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) 'Exploring the existing and emerging trends in domestic consumption behaviour: a case study from Ireland'. Sustainable Consumption Conference, Hamburg, Germany.
Lavelle, M.J. (2011) 'Exploring the existing and emerging trends in domestic consumption behaviour: a case study from Ireland'. Sustainable Consumption Conference, Hamburg, Germany. Conference Paper [Details]
(2011) 'Exploring sustainable household consumption in Ireland: A comparative overview of urban-rural and cross cultural trends'. 19th Annual Colloquium IGU/UGI, NUIG Galway.
Lavelle, M.J (2011) 'Exploring sustainable household consumption in Ireland: A comparative overview of urban-rural and cross cultural trends'. 19th Annual Colloquium IGU/UGI, NUIG Galway. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) An examination of the attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable household consumption and lifestyles. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI, Maynooth.
Lavelle, M.J (2010) An examination of the attitudes and behaviours towards sustainable household consumption and lifestyles. Conference of Irish Geographers, NUI, Maynooth. Conference Paper [Details]
(2010) 'Sustainable Consumption: Quality of life and standards of living'. The 6th SSRC International Conference Workshop 2010, NUI, Galway.
Lavelle, M.J. (2010) 'Sustainable Consumption: Quality of life and standards of living'. The 6th SSRC International Conference Workshop 2010, NUI, Galway. Conference Paper [Details]

Invited Lectures

  Year Publication
(2015) Understanding Environmental Behaviour Change: Waste and Overconsumption. Invited Presenter, Professional Development Conference, Leave No Trace, Ireland, Slieve Aughty Centre, Loughrea. November 2015.
Lavelle, M.J. (2015) Understanding Environmental Behaviour Change: Waste and Overconsumption. Invited Presenter, Professional Development Conference, Leave No Trace, Ireland, Slieve Aughty Centre, Loughrea. November 2015. Invited Lectures [Details]

Other Journals

  Year Publication
(2013) 'All-Ireland survey on expressed attitudes and reported household consumption behaviours - Animated info-graphic video'
Lavelle, M.J. and Doyle, R. (2013) 'All-Ireland survey on expressed attitudes and reported household consumption behaviours - Animated info-graphic video' Animated info-graphic video, . [Details]

Invited Seminars

  Year Publication
(2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across Ireland. Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across Ireland’. Public seminar. Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin (August 18th 2016).
Lavelle, M.J. (2016) Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across Ireland. Different Shades of Green: Segmenting for Sustainability across Ireland’. Public seminar. Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin (August 18th 2016). Centre for Sustainability Seminar Series. University of Otago, Dunedin: Invited Seminars [Details]

Book Review

  Year Publication
(2012) Review of Material Geographies of Household Sustainability, by Lane, R. & Gorman-Murray, A. (eds). Irish Geography.
Lavelle, M.J. (2012) Review of Material Geographies of Household Sustainability, by Lane, R. & Gorman-Murray, A. (eds). Irish Geography. Irish Geography Book Review [DOI] [Details]

Honours and Awards

  Year Title Awarding Body
2020 Millennium Fund for Conference Hosting University of Galway
2017 Millennium Fund Award College of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences
2015 EPA Postdoctoral Funding EPA
2009 EPA research scholarship award Environmental Protection Agency
2014 Environmental Protection Agency Postdoctoral funding Environmental Protection Agency
2011 Young Researcher Bursary German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
2011 Travel bursary Centre for Environment, Development and Sustainability (CEDS)
2011 Departmental Travel Bursary National University of Ireland, Galway
2011 Postgraduate Bursary Dean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic Studies
2010 Postgraduate Bursary National University of Ireland, Galway
2009 Environmental Protection Agency's Doctoral Scholarship Environmental Protection Agency

Professional Associations

  Association Function From / To
World Health Organisation (WHO) Technical Advisory Member on Health promtoion advancemnt of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 01-AUG-17 / 07-FEB-18
International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) Member /
Health Promotion Research Centre (HPRC) Research Project lead 11-FEB-17 /
Association for Health Promotion Ireland AHPI Executive Board Committee Member 01-MAR-24 /
Royal Geographical Society Member /
SCORAI-Global member /
Planning and Environment Research Group (RGS) member /
Association of American Geographers Member /
Geographical Society of Ireland Member /
Environment, Development and Sustainability Cluster Group member /


  Committee Function From / To
Discipline of Health Promotion Conference Committee Conference chair 2020 /
HSE Galway Active Travel Group Advisory board member /
Galway Healthy Cities Alcohol Forum Group Committee member /
NUI Galway Smarter Travel Group Committee member /
Galway Healthy Cities Working Group Committee member /


  Journal Role
Local Environment Reviewer
Ireland Irish Geography Special Issue Reviewer
Local Environment: The International Journal Of Justice And Sustainability Reviewer

Teaching Interests

Academic Programme Director (2024-present)

Dr Lavelle is the Academic Director for the MA/Postgraduate Diploma Programmes in Health Promotion Programmes at the University of Galway. These postgraduate programmes are internationally recognised and accredited programmes by the IUHPE with all course content and qualifications informed by agreed competencies and professional standards for Health Promotion globally. The programme is an IUHPE (International Union of Health Promotion and Education) Accredited Health Promotion Course

Past Directorship Roles (2017-2023)

Dr. Lavelle was Programme Director for several Postgraduate and Undergraduate Certificate Programmes in Health Promotion at the University of Galway. An overview of these programmes are outlined below.

Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion Programmes at the Discipline of Health Promotion, University of Galway. 

(i.) Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion in Workplace Wellness
Course Code: 1PWW1. 
Duration: 2017-2023

(ii.) Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion (Approaches to Cardiovascular Health and Type II Diabetes Prevention)
Course Code: 1PCH1
Duration: 2017-2023

Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion Programmes at the Discipline of Health Promotion, University of Galway.

(i.) Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion in Youth Health
Course Code: 1UYH1
Duration: 2017-2024

(ii.) Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion in Youth Mental Health
Course Code: 1UYMH1
Duration: 2021-2024

(iii.) Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion in Oral Health
Course Code: 1UOH1
Duration: 2017-2022


Course Coordinator

Dr. Lavelle is the module coordinator on several postgraduate and undergraduate programmes in health promotion at the University of Galway. An overview of these modules is outlined below.
(i.) Masters/Postgraduate Diploma in Health Promotion Programme
Discipline of Health Promotion, University of Galway.   

HP848 Determinants of Health (MA/HDip in Health Promotion)  
Duration: 2017-2024  
(ii.)Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion Programmes, Discipline of Health Promotion

HP134 Specialism in Oral Health Promotion 
HP130 Concepts and Principles of Health Promotion 
HP131  Health Promotion Project Development

(iii.)Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion Programmes, Discipline of Health Promotion


HP6102 Concepts and Principles of Health Promotion
HP6106 Specialism in Workplace Wellness 
HP6101 Specialism in Cardiovascular Health and Type II Diabetes Prevention 
HP6103 Health Promotion Project Development (Postgraduate level)

Other Teaching

MA in Health Promotion Programme, 
Discipline of Health Promotion

HP846 Foundations of Health Promotion 
HP504 Dissertation Module (MA Health Promotion) 
Past Teaching 

(i.) University of Otago, New Zealand: 

ENVI 311  Energy and Behaviour II
SOCI 208  Environmental Sociology

(ii.)School of Geography and Archaeology, University of Galway
    TI152     Geography in Practice (600+ students enrolled 2015) (Lecturer)
    TI 236     Environmental Planning (Lecturer and Tutor)
    TI 235     Biogeography (Tutor)
    TI 216     Weather and Climate (Tutor)
    TI 335     Research Project Design and Development (Lecturer and Tutor) 
    TI 150     Principles of Human Geography (600+ students enrolled)
    TI 212     Geography Theory and Practice


Current Postgraduate Students (Taught)

  Name Degree Primary Supervisor
Mayank Yavdav MSc (Occupational Health and Safety) Y
John didas Mtei, MA Health Promotion Y
Kim Cogan Bachelor of Arts Y
Amanze Anyanwe Bachelor of Arts Y

Recent Postgraduate Students

  Graduation Name Degree Primary Supervisor
2023 Tania Janir MA Health Promotion Y
2023 Kate Markey MA Health Promotion Y
2022 Niamh Faherty BA Social Care Hons Y
2020 Saoirse Barry MA Health Promotion Y
2019 Karen Carter MA Health Promotion Y
2018 Aoife McMahon BA Social Care Hons Y
2020 Caroline Askins BA Social Care Hons Y
2017 Helena Slattery MA Health Promotion Y
2017 Deirdre Kelly MA Health Promotion Y

Current Postgraduate Students (Research)

  Student Degree Type Type
Ann Marie Crosse Doctorate - Ph.D. Co-supervisor (1)

Modules Taught

  Term/Year Module Title Module Code Subject / Desc
2021-2023 Specialist Certificate in Youth Mental Health Programme 1UYMH1
2017-2023 Determinants of Health HP848 This module provides students with professional education and training in the principles and practice of health promotion. Students are introduced to biological, psychological, socio-environmental and cultural determinants of health and how they are interrelated.
2017-2023 Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion (Approaches to Cardiovascular Health and Diabetes Prevention) 1PCH1 The programme aims to enhance Health Professionals understanding of the determinants, prevention, lifestyle factors and associated patterns of inequality. The programme equips students with an in-depth understanding of how to critically assess the evidence base, understand national and international approaches to the promotion of cardiovascular health and the prevention of diabetes, and appreciate the role of advocacy in influencing health and environmental (public) policies.
2017-2023 Postgraduate Certificate in Health Promotion in Workplace Wellness 1PWW1 The course provides students with a professional education and training in the principles and practice of health promotion as applied to workplace health and wellness.
2017-2022 Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion (Oral Health) 1UOH1 The course aims to provide students with a professional education and training in the principles and practice of health promotion as applied to the promotion of oral health. The course encompasses a body of specialist knowledge and skills on health promotion, the causes of oral ill-health and oral health promotion.
2017-2023 Specialist Certificate in Health Promotion (Youth Health) 1UYH1 The course aims to provide students with a professional education and training in the principles and practice of health promotion as applied to the promotion of youth health

Internal Collaborators

  Name Description of Collaboration
Internal Collaborators
                       School of Sociology and Archaeology NUI Galway                       School of Natural Sciences Trinity College Dublin

External Collaborators

  Name Organisation / Institute Country Description of Collaboration
External Collaborators
                       University of Otago, New Zealand                       University of Idaho, US                       University of Oregon State, US