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Dr Ruth McMenamin
Contact Details
Discipline of Speech and Language Therapy
Áras Moyola
University of Galway
T: 091 495204
E: ruth.mcmenamin@universityofgalway.ie

Peer Reviewed Journals
Year | Publication | |
(2023) | 'Communication partner training for student health and social care professionals engaging with people with stroke acquired communication difficulties: A protocol for a realist review'
Fitzmaurice, Y., Beeke, S., Isaksen, J., Cunningham, U., Jagoe, C., Shé, É. N., & McMenamin, R. (2023) 'Communication partner training for student health and social care professionals engaging with people with stroke acquired communication difficulties: A protocol for a realist review'. HRB Open Research, 6 (60) [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Communication partner training for student health and social care professionals engaging with people with stroke acquired communication difficulties: A realist review'
Fitzmaurice, Y., Beeke, S., Isaksen, J., Cunningham, U., Jagoe, C., Shé, É. N., & McMenamin, R (2023) 'Communication partner training for student health and social care professionals engaging with people with stroke acquired communication difficulties: A realist review'. HRB Open Research, 6 (60) [DOI] [Details] |
(2023) | 'Access G-AP: development of an accessible goal setting and action planning resource for stroke survivors with aphasia'
Brown SE, Scobbie L, Worrall L, Mc Menamin R, Brady MC. (2023) 'Access G-AP: development of an accessible goal setting and action planning resource for stroke survivors with aphasia'. Disability And Rehabilitation, 45 (13):2107-2117 [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | 'New perspectives, theory, method, and practice: Qualitative research and innovation in speech-language pathology'
Hersh D, Azul D, Carroll C, Lyons R, Mc Menamin R, Skeat J. (2022) 'New perspectives, theory, method, and practice: Qualitative research and innovation in speech-language pathology'. International Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 24 (5):449-459 [DOI] [Details] |
(2022) | 'Distinctions and blurred boundaries between qualitative approaches and public and patient involvement (PPI) in research'
Mc Menamin R, Isaksen J, Manning M, Tierney E. (2022) 'Distinctions and blurred boundaries between qualitative approaches and public and patient involvement (PPI) in research'. International Journal Of Speech-Language Pathology, 24 (5):515-526 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Working together: experiences of people with aphasia as co-researchers in participatory health research studies'
McMenamin, R., Griffin, M., Grzybowska, B., & Pound, C. (2021) 'Working together: experiences of people with aphasia as co-researchers in participatory health research studies'. Aphasiology, :1-22 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'Protocol for the Development of the International Population Registry for AphasIa after StrokE (I-PRAISE)'
Ali, M., Lifshitz Ben Basat, A., Berthier, M., Blom Johansson, M., Breitenstein, C., Cadilhac, D. A., Constantinidou, F., Cruice, M., Davila., G., Gandolfi, M., Gil, M., Grima, R., Godecke, E., Jesus, L. M. T., Martinez Jiminez, L., Kambanaros, M., Kukkonen, T., Laska, A. C., Mavis, I., McMenamin, R., ¿ Brady, M. (2021) 'Protocol for the Development of the International Population Registry for AphasIa after StrokE (I-PRAISE)'. Aphasiology, :1-21 [DOI] [Details] |
(2021) | 'An exploration of the coverage of aphasia in the Irish print media'
Mc Menamin, R. & O'Connor, S. (2021) 'An exploration of the coverage of aphasia in the Irish print media'. Aphasiology, [DOI] [Details] |
(2020) | 'An investigation of public awareness and knowledge of aphasia in the West of Ireland'
Mc Menamin, R., Faherty, K., Larkin, M., & Loftus, L. (2020) 'An investigation of public awareness and knowledge of aphasia in the West of Ireland'. Aphasiology, :1-17 [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Language assessment of monolingual and multilingual children using non-word and sentence repetition tasks'
Antonijevic-Elliott, S,Lyons, R,O'Malley, MP,Meir, N,Hamman, E,Benasik, N,Carroll, C,McMenamin, R,Rodden, M,Fitzmaurice, Y (2019) 'Language assessment of monolingual and multilingual children using non-word and sentence repetition tasks'. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Language assessment of monolingual and multilingual children using non-word and sentence repetition tasks'
Antonijevic-Elliott, S;Lyons, R;O'Malley, MP;Meir, N;Hamman, E;Benasik, N;Carroll, C;McMenamin, R;Rodden, M;Fitzmaurice, Y (2019) 'Language assessment of monolingual and multilingual children using non-word and sentence repetition tasks'. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, [DOI] [Details] |
(2019) | 'Beyond the statistics: a research agenda in aphasia awareness'
Simmons-Mackie, N;Worrall, L;Shiggins, C;Isaksen, J;McMenamin, R;Rose, T;Guo, YE;Wallace, SJ (2019) 'Beyond the statistics: a research agenda in aphasia awareness'. Aphasiology, [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Towards asset-based approaches to promote and sustain well-being for people with aphasia and their families'
Shiggins, C; Horton, S; Pearl, G; Soskolne, V; Olenik, D; Haaland-Johansen, L; Isaksen, J; Jagoe, C; Mc Menamin, R; Horton, S (2018) 'Towards asset-based approaches to promote and sustain well-being for people with aphasia and their families'. Aphasiology, 10 [DOI] [Details] |
(2018) | 'Using a Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) research approach to involve people with aphasia as co-researchers in service evaluation: An analysis of co-researchers’ experiences'
McMenamin, R; Tierney, E; MacFarlane, A (2018) 'Using a Participatory Learning and Action (PLA) research approach to involve people with aphasia as co-researchers in service evaluation: An analysis of co-researchers’ experiences'. Aphasiology, 32 (1) [DOI] [Details] |
(2015) | '‘Addressing the long term impacts of aphasia: How far does the Conversation Partner Programme go?’'
Mc Menamin, R., Tierney, E., and Mac Farlane, A. (2015) '‘Addressing the long term impacts of aphasia: How far does the Conversation Partner Programme go?’'. Aphasiology, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2015) | '‘Who decides what criteria are important to consider in exploring the outcomes of Conversation Approaches? A Participatory Health Research Study.’'
Mc Menamin, R., Tierney, E., and Mac Farlane, A. (2015) '‘Who decides what criteria are important to consider in exploring the outcomes of Conversation Approaches? A Participatory Health Research Study.’'. Aphasiology, [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Training socially responsive healthcare graduates: Is Service Learning an effective educational approach?'
McMenamin, R Mc Grath, M Cantillon, P MacFarlane,A (2014) 'Training socially responsive healthcare graduates: Is Service Learning an effective educational approach?'. Medical Teacher, 36 (4):291-307 [ARAN Link] [Details] |
(2014) | 'Voice use in professional soccer management'
O'Neill, J,McMenamin, R (2014) 'Voice use in professional soccer management'. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 39 :169-178 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'An exploration of the impacts of Service Learning on Healthcare students, Community Partners and University'
McMenamin, R., McGrath, M. (2010) 'An exploration of the impacts of Service Learning on Healthcare students, Community Partners and University'. Nursing & Health Sciences, [Details] |
(2010) | 'Impacts of service learning on Irish healthcare students, educators, and communities'
McMenamin, R;McGrath, M;D'Eath, M (2010) 'Impacts of service learning on Irish healthcare students, educators, and communities'. Nursing & Health Sciences, 12 :499-506 [DOI] [Details] |
(2010) | 'Impacts of service learning on Irish healthcare students, educators, and communities'
McMenamin, R,McGrath, M,D'Eath, M (2010) 'Impacts of service learning on Irish healthcare students, educators, and communities'. Nursing & Health Sciences, 12 :499-506 [DOI] [Details] |
(2009) | 'Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy'
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R. (2009) 'Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy'. Educación Médica, 12 (2) [Details] |
(2009) | 'Exploring the impact of service learning on students, community partners and academic staff'
McMenamin, R., McGrath M. (2009) 'Exploring the impact of service learning on students, community partners and academic staff'. The Third International Symposium on Service Learning: Service Learning in Heigher Education: Educators, Communities and Students, [Details] |
Book Chapters
Year | Publication | |
(2022) | 'Public and Patient Involvement in Qualitative Health and Social Care Research'
Mc Menamin, R. Isaksen, J. Shiggins, C. (2022) 'Public and Patient Involvement in Qualitative Health and Social Care Research' In: Diving Deep into Qualitative Data Analysis in Communication Disorders Research. :31-48 UK: J&R Press. [Details] |
(2019) | 'Participatory Disorders in Communication Disorders Research'
McMenamin, R, & Pound, C. (2019) 'Participatory Disorders in Communication Disorders Research' In: Qualitative Research in Communication Disorders: An introduction for students and clinicians. :167-192 UK: J & R press. [Details] |
(2019) | 'Case study: National University of Ireland'
Mc Ilrath, L; Mc Menamin, R (2019) 'Case study: National University of Ireland' In: Embedding Service-Learning in Higher Education. UK: Taylor and Francis. [Details] |
Conference Publications
Year | Publication | |
(2020) | AUDGPI Early and Mid-Career Day
Mc Menamin, R (2020) Co-creating public and patient involvement in scholarship and research AUDGPI Early and Mid-Career Day [Details] |
(2019) | British Aphasiology Clinical Symposium
Shiggins,C. Soskolne,V. Olenik,D. Pearl,G. Haaland-Johansen, L. Isaksen,J. Jagoe, McMenamin, R. & Horton, S. (2019) Towards an asset-based approach to promoting and sustaining well-being for people with aphasia and their families: an international exploratory study British Aphasiology Clinical Symposium [Details] |
(2019) | IASLT Biennial Conference
McMenamin, R. (2019) Using Participatory research to involve people with aphasia as co-researchers in the research process: An analysis of co-researchers’ experiences IASLT Biennial Conference [Details] |
(2019) | Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Whitefish, Montana, US
Isaksen, J & Mc Menamin, R. (2019) Public and Patient Involvement: How to involve people with aphasia as co-researchers in the research process Clinical Aphasiology Conference, Whitefish, Montana, US [Details] |
(2019) | British Aphasiology Clinical Symposium
Simmons-Mackie,N. Worrall,L. Shiggins,C. McMenamin,R. Isaksen,J. Wallace,S. Guo, E. & Rose, T. (2019) Aphasia Awareness: Looking back and moving forward British Aphasiology Clinical Symposium [Details] |
(2018) | Participation and empowerment for health service users: strengthening the circle 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference
McMenamin, R; Tierney, E; MacFarlane; A (2018) How to involve stroke survivors with aphasia and healthcare professionals as co-researchers in service evaluation: A participatory health research study focused on public and patient involvement Participation and empowerment for health service users: strengthening the circle 22nd Annual Health Promotion Conference [Details] |
(2015) | Platform presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI)
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE (2015) “Reflections on the use of participatory research methods to include stroke survivors and primary care professionals as co-researchers in the evaluation of a primary care intervention” Platform presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI) Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland, , 05-MAR-15 - 06-MAR-15 [Details] |
(2015) | RESTORE Conference
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2015) “‘Let us talk’ - Including people with communication challenges as co-researchers in service evaluation: A participatory health research study” RESTORE Conference University of Limerick, Ireland, , 26-MAR-15 - 27-MAR-15 [Details] |
(2014) | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’
MC MENAMIN R., MC GRATH M., CANTILLON P., MAC FARLANE A. (2014) Training socially responsive healthcare graduates: Is service learning an effective educational approach?” Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’ University of Leeds, United Kingdom, , 17-SEP-14 - 18-SEP-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2014) ‘We all said our say’ – People with aphasia as co-researchers in the development of evaluation criteria for the conversation partner programme: a participatory research study” Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’ University of Leeds, United Kingdom, , 17-SEP-14 - 18-SEP-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Presented as a platform presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI)
MC MENAMIN, R. & MAC FARLANE, A. (2014) ‘Can participatory research methods be used to include People with aphasia as co-researchers in the evaluation of a primary healthcare intervention? Presented as a platform presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI) University College Cork, Ireland, , 06-MAR-14 - 07-MAR-14 [Details] |
(2014) | Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’
MC MENAMIN, R. & MAC FARLANE, A. (2014) “Participatory approaches in primary healthcare research: Towards including the excluded” Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Conference (RCSLT) ‘Mind the Gap: Putting research into practice’ University of Leeds, United Kingdom, , 17-SEP-14 - 18-SEP-14 [Details] |
(2013) | Research platform presentation at AMEE (International Association for Medical Education) conference
MC MENAMIN, R., MC GRATH, M., CANTILLON, P. & MAC FARLANE, A. (2013) “Exploring the Impacts of Service Learning: A critical Review of the Literature” Research platform presentation at AMEE (International Association for Medical Education) conference Prague CZECH Republic, , 26-AUG-13 - 28-AUG-13 [Details] |
(2009) | Platform presentation at The International Conference of Education Research and Innovation
Mc Menamin, R. & Mc Grath, M. (2009) Researching Community-University Partnerships: Results from an Irish study investigating community University and Student Collaboration Platform presentation at The International Conference of Education Research and Innovation Madrid Spain, , 16-NOV-09 - 18-NOV-09 [Details] |
Conference Contributions
Year | Publication | |
(2024) | Bilingualism & Specific Language Impairment (BI-SLI),
Lally S., Mc Menamin R,, Antonijevic-Elliott S. (2024) Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research study exploring the use of SRep task for language assessment of Polish-English bilingual children growing up in Ireland. [Oral Presentation], Bilingualism & Specific Language Impairment (BI-SLI), Utrecht, The Netherlands , 15-MAY-24 - 16-MAY-24. [Details] |
(2023) | CoMH Futures,
Kelly, H., Kennedy, L.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O., Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R (2023) Creation of an ENSPIRED Research Network Across the Island of Ireland. [Oral Presentation], CoMH Futures, Online , 21-SEP-23 - 21-SEP-23. [Details] |
(2023) | SPHeRE conference,
Kelly, H.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O.,¿Kennedy, L.,¿Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R¿ (2023) Establishing an ENSPIRED Communication-Focussed Research Consortium across the island of Ireland,. [Poster Presentation (Refereed)], SPHeRE conference, Dublin, Ireland , 16-JUN-23 - 16-JUN-23. [Details] |
(2023) | Students ENSPIRED across the island of Ireland - establishing an all-island SLT student network,
Kelly, H., Kennedy, L.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O., Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R (2023) Students ENSPIRED across the island of Ireland - establishing an all-island SLT student network. [Invited Oral Presentation], Students ENSPIRED across the island of Ireland - establishing an all-island SLT student network, Cork, Ireland , 16-JUN-23 - 16-JUN-23. [Details] |
(2023) | SPHeRE,,
Kelly, H., Kennedy, L.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O., Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R (2023) Enhancing Social Participation Across Ireland for people with communication disabilities and differences¿ (ENSPIRED) through the Establishment of an all-island Speech and Language Therapy student network,. [Conference Organising Committee Chairperson], SPHeRE,, Dublin, Ireland , 16-JUN-23 - 16-JUN-23. [Details] |
(2023) | IASLT conference,
Kelly, H., Kennedy, L.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O., Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R (2023) Students ENSPIRED across the island of Ireland - establishing an all-island SLT student network.¿Refocus & Reimagine: Moving Forward Together. [Oral Presentation], IASLT conference, Online , 05-DEC-23 - 06-DEC-23. [Details] |
(2023) | IASLT conference,
Kelly, H., Kennedy, L.,¿Clarke, D., Duffy, O., Fitzmaurice, Y., Green, J., Jagoe, C., Kearns, Á., McMenamin, R., Manning, M., Rogers, R. & Stockdale, R (2023) Establishing an all-island research network.¿Refocus & Reimagine: Moving Forward Together,. [Poster Presentation], IASLT conference, Online , 05-DEC-23 - 06-DEC-23. [Details] |
(2021) | Promoting compassion, care and well-being in healthcare students through Schwartz Rounds,
Field, C.A., Burke, E., Geoghegan, R., McMenamin, R. (2021) Health Promotion Conference. [Oral Presentation], Promoting compassion, care and well-being in healthcare students through Schwartz Rounds, National University of Ireland Galway , 24-JUN-21. [Details] |
(2020) | Aphasia 24 hour Teach in,
Mc Menamin, R. Pound, C. & Isaksen, J. (2020) Involving people with and without aphasia as co-researchers in qualitative, participatory research: Examples from aphasia research studies in the United Kingdom, Ireland and Denmark. [Invited Oral Presentation], Aphasia 24 hour Teach in, Virtual , 24-JUN-20 - 24-JUN-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Aphasia 24 hour Teach in,
Ciara Shiggins, Varda Soskolne, Dafna Olenik, Gill Pearl, Line Haaland-Johansen, Caroline Jagoe, Ruth McMenamin & Simon Horton (2020) Towards asset-based approaches to promoting and sustaining well-being for people with aphasia and their families. [Oral Presentation], Aphasia 24 hour Teach in, Virtual , 24-JUN-20 - 24-JUN-20. [Details] |
(2020) | Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, Early Stage Researchers, Virtual research event,
Mc Menamin R & Simonsen, H. G. (2020) Early Stage Researchers, Virtual research event. [Workshop chair], Collaboration of Aphasia Trialists, Early Stage Researchers, Virtual research event, Virtual , 19-JUN-20 - 19-JUN-20. [Details] |
(2020) | INHED,
Kilkelly, E. & Mc Menamin, R. (2020) An Exploration of Health Professional’s experiences of providing feedback to Healthcare Students following formal Postgraduate training in Clinical Teaching. [Oral Presentation], INHED, Virtual , 13-FEB-20 - 14-FEB-20. [Details] |
(2019) | IASLT Biennial Conference,
O’Brien, L. & Mc Menamin, R (2019) Exploring the Lived Experience of Aphasia: The Caregivers’ Perspective. [Oral Presentation], IASLT Biennial Conference, Croke, Park, Dublin , 23-MAY-19 - 24-MAY-19. [Details] |
(2019) | IASLT Biennial Conference,
Mc Creevy, C. & Mc Menamin, R. (2019) What helps people with aphasia to live well with aphasia in the West of Ireland?. [Oral Presentation], IASLT Biennial Conference, Croke Park Dublin , 23-MAY-19 - 24-MAY-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Irish Network of Medical Educators,
Mc Menamin, R. (2019) Health Educators’ experiences of using service learning as a pedagogical tool: A qualitative participatory research study. [Oral Presentation], Irish Network of Medical Educators, NUI, Galway , 13-FEB-19. [Details] |
(2019) | Irish Network of Medical Educators,
Hashim, Y. Mc Menamin, R. & Kelly, M. (2019) Toward Understanding and Defining Civic. [Oral Presentation], Irish Network of Medical Educators, NUI, Galway , 13-FEB-19. [Details] |
(2018) | Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) summer school,
McMenamin, R; Field, C.A. (2018) PPI in PhD Research. [Invited Oral Presentation], Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) summer school, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland , 14-JUN-18 - 15-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) summer school,
McMenamin, R; Field, C.A. (2018) PPI in PhD Research. [Invited Oral Presentation], Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) summer school, University of Limerick, Limerick, Ireland , 14-JUN-18 - 15-JUN-18. [Details] |
(2018) | European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy,
Tiernan, E; Mc Menamin, R (2018) Exploring children’s lived experience of Developmental Language Disorder and Speech and Language Therapy. [Oral Presentation], European Congress of Speech and Language Therapy, Portugal , 10-MAY-18 - 12-MAY-18. [Details] |
(2011) | Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapy Biennial Conference,
Leavy, D., Leonard, R. & McMenamin, R. (2011) The relationship between amateur singers' knowledge of voice care and perceptions of vocal health. [Poster Presentation], Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapy Biennial Conference, Dublin , 25-NOV-11 - 26-NOV-11. [Details] |
(2010) | NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference, Dublin , 05-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08,
Lyons, R., McMenamin, R., Dinneen, S., Finn, Y. (2010) The community as a learning environment: engaging with people with communication disability through a pilot interdisciplinary service learning experience. [Oral Presentation], NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference, Dublin , 05-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08, Dublin , 05-JUN-10. [Details] |
(2008) | NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference,
Lyons, R., McMenamin, R., Dinneen, S., Finn, Y. (2008) The community as a learning environment: engaging with people with communication disability through a pilot interdisciplinary service learning experience. [Oral Presentation], NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference, Dublin , 05-JUN-08 - 05-JUN-08. [Details] |
(2006) | Sharing Best Practice conference,
Dempsey, L., Meagher, C., Burke, E., Davitt, J., Morris, D., McMenamin, R., Vine, S. (2006) Implementing an assessment tool to evaluate hand washing. [Chaired Session], Sharing Best Practice conference, Galway , 23-FEB-06 - 23-FEB-06. [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2008) | Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway : Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy.
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R., Shiel, A. & Lyons, R. (2008) Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway : Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy. Abstract [Details] |
(2008) | Physical Therapy Reviews.
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R., Shiel, A., Lyons, R. (2008) Physical Therapy Reviews. Abstract [Details] |
Conference Paper
Year | Publication | |
(2009) | Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy. International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE).
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R. (2009) Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy. International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE). Malaga, Spain: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy. International Association for Medical Education Conference.
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R. (2009) Putting the caring back into healthcare: examining the impact of a civic engagement pedagogy. International Association for Medical Education Conference. Malaga, Spain: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | Building research capacity in Speech and Language Therapy: sharing the learning. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference.
Lyons, R., McMenamin, R., Carroll, C., Antonijevic-Elliott, S., O'Malley, M.P., Loftus, L. (2009) Building research capacity in Speech and Language Therapy: sharing the learning. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference. Galway: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | An Investigation of the Impacts of Service Learing on Educators, Communities and Students at the National University of Ireland, Galway. 3rd International Symposium on Service Learning.
McMenamin, R., McGrath, M. (2009) An Investigation of the Impacts of Service Learing on Educators, Communities and Students at the National University of Ireland, Galway. 3rd International Symposium on Service Learning. Athens, Greece: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | Researching Community - University Partnerships: Results from an Irish Study investigating Community, University and Student Collaboration. The International Conference on Education Research and Innovation.
McMenamin, R., McGrath, M. (2009) Researching Community - University Partnerships: Results from an Irish Study investigating Community, University and Student Collaboration. The International Conference on Education Research and Innovation. Madrid, Spain: Conference Paper [Details] |
(2009) | An Investigation of the Impact of Service Learning on Students, Community Partners and Academic Staff in Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy. NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference.
McGrath, M., McMenamin, R. (2009) An Investigation of the Impact of Service Learning on Students, Community Partners and Academic Staff in Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy. NUI Galway Campus Engage International Conference. Dublin: Conference Paper [Details] |
Conference Poster
Year | Publication | |
(2014) | Presented as a poster presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI).
MC MENAMIN, R., MC GRATH, M., CANTILLON, P. & MAC FARLANE, A. (2014) Presented as a poster presentation at The Association of University Departments of General Practice in Ireland Annual Scientific Meeting (AUDGPI). Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | What people with aphasia and their caregivers think about the Conversation Partner Programme. Campus Engage International Conference.
McMenamin, R., Keohane, S., McLoughlin, A., Gill, C., Montague, O. (2009) What people with aphasia and their caregivers think about the Conversation Partner Programme. Campus Engage International Conference. Dublin: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Students and Academic Staff's Perceptions of the Value of Service Learning in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Campus Engage International Conference.
McMenamin, R., Ward, O., Skehan, C., Keegan, S., Moore, S., Hanmore, C. (2009) Students and Academic Staff's Perceptions of the Value of Service Learning in the Undergraduate Curriculum. Campus Engage International Conference. Dublin: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Teachers' Professional Voice Use: Voice Care Knowledge, Voice Complaints and Voice Care Behaviours. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference.
Crehan, S., McMenamin, R. (2009) Teachers' Professional Voice Use: Voice Care Knowledge, Voice Complaints and Voice Care Behaviours. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference. Galway: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | How will Service Learning impact your role as an SLT in training on clinical placement?. Campus Engage International Conference.
McManus, M., Crehan, S., Duggan, A., Jones, C., McMenamin, R. (2009) How will Service Learning impact your role as an SLT in training on clinical placement?. Campus Engage International Conference. Dublin: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | A qualitative study of Irish Professional Soccer Managers with Voice Use in their everyday life. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference.
O'Neill, J., McMenamin, R. (2009) A qualitative study of Irish Professional Soccer Managers with Voice Use in their everyday life. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference. Galway: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Community - University partnerships, benefiting students, communities, educators and clinicians. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference.
McMenamin, R., McGrath, M. (2009) Community - University partnerships, benefiting students, communities, educators and clinicians. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference. Galway: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Building research capacity in speech and language therapy: sharing the learning, Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapy Conference, Galway.
Lyons, R., McMenamin, R., Carroll, C., Antonijevic-Elliott, S., O'Malley, M.P., Loftus, L (2009) Building research capacity in speech and language therapy: sharing the learning, Irish Association of Speech & Language Therapy Conference, Galway. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Reflections on three years of implementing the conversation partner programme - lessons learned and future directions. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference.
McMenamin, R., McGrath, M. (2009) Reflections on three years of implementing the conversation partner programme - lessons learned and future directions. Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists Biennial Conference. Galway: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | Civic Awareness - how important is it for healthcare graduates?. Campus Engage International Conference.
McMenamin, R., Stack, A., McDermott, P., Plunkett, A.M., Ni Chiardha, R. (2009) Civic Awareness - how important is it for healthcare graduates?. Campus Engage International Conference. Dublin: Conference Poster [Details] |
(2009) | “Integrating civic awareness into undergraduate healthcare curricula: an example from Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy at the National University of Ireland, Galway” RCSLT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2009, London.
McMenamin,R.; Mc Grath, M. (2009) “Integrating civic awareness into undergraduate healthcare curricula: an example from Speech and Language Therapy and Occupational Therapy at the National University of Ireland, Galway” RCSLT SCIENTIFIC CONFERENCE 2009, London. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway - Occupational therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin.
McGrath, M.; Mc Menamin, R; Vine, S. (2008) “Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway - Occupational therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “Towards the development of civic responsibility amongst undergraduate Irish health care professionals – a service learning model”. The Association of Medical Educators in Europe, AMEE Prague.
Mc Grath, M. ; Mc Menamin, R. (2008) “Towards the development of civic responsibility amongst undergraduate Irish health care professionals – a service learning model”. The Association of Medical Educators in Europe, AMEE Prague. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “Introducing a civic engagement dimension into undergraduate healthcare curricula – an example from the Departments of Occupational Therapy & Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland Galway”. Critical Thinking: The Galway symposium on the Future of Universities; National University of Ireland Galway.
Mc Menamin R.; Mc Grath M. (2008) “Introducing a civic engagement dimension into undergraduate healthcare curricula – an example from the Departments of Occupational Therapy & Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland Galway”. Critical Thinking: The Galway symposium on the Future of Universities; National University of Ireland Galway. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “Innovative Service Delivery by Undergraduate Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy Students at the NUI, Galway”. The 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin.
Mc Menamin, R.; Mc Grath, M. (2008) “Innovative Service Delivery by Undergraduate Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy Students at the NUI, Galway”. The 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. School of Nursing and Midwifery Trinity College Dublin. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “An Innovative Interdisciplinary approach to the application of Neuroanatomy knowledge to practice in the undergraduate Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy curricula at the National University of Ireland Galway”. The 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. School of Nursing and Midwifery; Trinity College Dublin.
Mc Menamin, R.;McMahon, D.; Wilkins B.; Shiel, A. (2008) “An Innovative Interdisciplinary approach to the application of Neuroanatomy knowledge to practice in the undergraduate Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy curricula at the National University of Ireland Galway”. The 9th Annual Interdisciplinary Research Conference. School of Nursing and Midwifery; Trinity College Dublin. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | ‘Re-designing a curriculum to achieve integration and reflect the values of student and client centeredness’ the experience of NUI, Galway Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Team. NAIRTL 2nd Annual Conference Waterford Institute of Technology Conference.
Lyons, R., Mc Menamin, R. O’Shaughnessy, C., Logue-Kennedy, M., Antonijevic-Elliot, S. O’ Malley, M.P., Loftus, L. (2008) ‘Re-designing a curriculum to achieve integration and reflect the values of student and client centeredness’ the experience of NUI, Galway Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) Team. NAIRTL 2nd Annual Conference Waterford Institute of Technology Conference. Conference Poster [Details] |
(2008) | “Towards a synergistic relationship in the research-practice nexus: an innovative example from the National University of Ireland Galway”. Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society Annual Conference Dublin Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI).
McMenamin, R. ;McGrath M. ;Vine S. (2008) “Towards a synergistic relationship in the research-practice nexus: an innovative example from the National University of Ireland Galway”. Rehabilitation and Therapy Research Society Annual Conference Dublin Royal College of Surgeons Ireland (RCSI). Conference Poster [Details] |
Year | Publication | |
(2016) | Involvement for all “Public and Patient Involvement in health research: Giving people a voice. University of Limerick, Ireland.
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; Salmon, N.;O’Higgins, S. (2016) Involvement for all “Public and Patient Involvement in health research: Giving people a voice. University of Limerick, Ireland. Presentation [Details] |
(2016) | “I got more brave with the talk” – People with aphasia as co-researchers in a participatory health research study” Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research conference. Working as partners, making a difference conference. Westwood House hotel Galway, Ireland.
MC MENAMIN, R.; GRIFFIN, M.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2016) “I got more brave with the talk” – People with aphasia as co-researchers in a participatory health research study” Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in research conference. Working as partners, making a difference conference. Westwood House hotel Galway, Ireland. Presentation [Details] |
(2016) | Evaluating an innovative service learning conversation intervention with community partners as co-researchers: A participatory health research study. IARSLCE European Regional Conference 10th June Bologna, Italy.
MC MENAMIN, R.; MAC FARLANE, A (2016) Evaluating an innovative service learning conversation intervention with community partners as co-researchers: A participatory health research study. IARSLCE European Regional Conference 10th June Bologna, Italy. Presentation [Details] |
(2015) | “Including people with communication challenges as co-researchers in service evaluation: A participatory health research study” HRB SPHeRE Peer-Learning Event, Trinity College Dublin.
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2015) “Including people with communication challenges as co-researchers in service evaluation: A participatory health research study” HRB SPHeRE Peer-Learning Event, Trinity College Dublin. Presentation [Details] |
(2015) | Public and Patient Involvement and Participatory Research Methods in Health Research. HRB SPHeRE Peer-Learning Event, Trinity College Dublin.
MC MENAMIN, R.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2015) Public and Patient Involvement and Participatory Research Methods in Health Research. HRB SPHeRE Peer-Learning Event, Trinity College Dublin. Presentation [Details] |
(2015) | 'Can participatory research methods be used to include people with aphasia as co-researchers in the evaluation of a primary healthcare intervention?' Clinical Therapies Research Seminar Series, University of Limerick, Ireland.
MC MENAMIN, R.; TIERNEY, E.; MAC FARLANE, A. (2015) 'Can participatory research methods be used to include people with aphasia as co-researchers in the evaluation of a primary healthcare intervention?' Clinical Therapies Research Seminar Series, University of Limerick, Ireland. Presentation [Details] |
(2014) | Evaluating conversation partner programmes – Perspectives of People with Aphasia” Annual Network Partners meeting (2014) Connect, London.
MC MENAMIN, R.; Farlane, A (2014) Evaluating conversation partner programmes – Perspectives of People with Aphasia” Annual Network Partners meeting (2014) Connect, London. Presentation [Details] |
(2014) | Invited presentation at the Annual Network Partners meeting (2014) Connect, London.
MC MENAMIN, R. (2014) Invited presentation at the Annual Network Partners meeting (2014) Connect, London. Presentation [Details] |
(2014) | ‘We all said our say’ – People with aphasia as co-researchers in the development of evaluation criteria for the conversation partner programme: a participatory research study” DVD presentation; September 15th-18th at Mc Gill University, Montreal. Presentation available via PRAM website.
MC MENAMIN, R. & MAC FARLANE, A. (2014) ‘We all said our say’ – People with aphasia as co-researchers in the development of evaluation criteria for the conversation partner programme: a participatory research study” DVD presentation; September 15th-18th at Mc Gill University, Montreal. Presentation available via PRAM website. Presentation [Details] |
(2013) | “Researching Primary Care” Health Matters (National Staff Magazine of the Health Services Executive).
MC MENAMIN, R. (2013) “Researching Primary Care” Health Matters (National Staff Magazine of the Health Services Executive). Presentation [Details] |
(2013) | The effectiveness of service learning: A critical review of the literature” International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE) Prague, Czech Republic.
Mc Menamin, R.; Mc Grath, M. (2013) The effectiveness of service learning: A critical review of the literature” International Association for Medical Education Conference (AMEE) Prague, Czech Republic. Presentation [Details] |
(2012) | Invited presentation at the Annual Network Partners meeting, Connect, London.
MC MENAMIN, R. (2012) Invited presentation at the Annual Network Partners meeting, Connect, London. Presentation [Details] |
(2012) | Evaluating conversation partner programmes – Perspectives of People with Aphasia” Annual Network Partners meeting (2012) Connect, London.
MC MENAMIN, R. (2012) Evaluating conversation partner programmes – Perspectives of People with Aphasia” Annual Network Partners meeting (2012) Connect, London. Presentation [Details] |
(2009) | The National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning NAIRTL’s 4th Symposium in the Bologna series.
Mc Menamin, R; Mc Grath, M. (2009) The National Academy for Integration of Research & Teaching & Learning NAIRTL’s 4th Symposium in the Bologna series. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | Service learning as an innovative pedagogical strategy in the undergraduate curricula of Occupational and Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland, Galway”. Learning by Developing - New Ways to Learn Conference University of Lauera Finland.
Mc Menamin, R; McGrath, M; Vine, S. (2008) Service learning as an innovative pedagogical strategy in the undergraduate curricula of Occupational and Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland, Galway”. Learning by Developing - New Ways to Learn Conference University of Lauera Finland. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | “Engaging students in the education process – an innovative example from Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland Galway”. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE). National University of Ireland, Maynooth.
McMenamin, R.; McGrath M. (2008) “Engaging students in the education process – an innovative example from Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy at the National University of Ireland Galway”. All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE). National University of Ireland, Maynooth. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | “The design and integration of Service Learning in the Undergraduate Speech and Language Therapy Curriculum at the National University of Ireland Galway” Creating Spaces for Civic Engagement, Community Knowledge Initiative Event Marriot Courtyard Hotel Galway. Presentation and Facilitation of Round table discussion.
Mc Menamin, R (2008) “The design and integration of Service Learning in the Undergraduate Speech and Language Therapy Curriculum at the National University of Ireland Galway” Creating Spaces for Civic Engagement, Community Knowledge Initiative Event Marriot Courtyard Hotel Galway. Presentation and Facilitation of Round table discussion. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | Service Learning in Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy: An example of an Innovative Pedagogical Strategy that Links Research and Teaching” The 5th International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation Lleida Spain.
Mc Grath, M; Mc Menamin, R (2008) Service Learning in Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy: An example of an Innovative Pedagogical Strategy that Links Research and Teaching” The 5th International Congress of University Teaching and Innovation Lleida Spain. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | “Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway - Occupational therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin.
McGrath, M. ;Mc Menamin, R.; Vine, S. (2008) “Innovative pedagogical strategy in undergraduate healthcare curricula at the National University of Ireland, Galway - Occupational therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin. Presentation [Details] |
(2008) | Applying Neuroanatomy to practice – an interdisciplinary approach to assessment incorporating Anatomy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin.
Mc Menamin, R, McMahon, D. Wilkins B. and Shiel, A (2008) Applying Neuroanatomy to practice – an interdisciplinary approach to assessment incorporating Anatomy, Occupational Therapy and Speech and Language Therapy”. Irish Network of Medical Educators Annual Conference Dublin. Presentation [Details] |
(2005) | “The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for people with Parkinson’s Disease” New Horizons Parkinson’s Disease conference”, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow.
Mc Menamin R. (2005) “The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment for people with Parkinson’s Disease” New Horizons Parkinson’s Disease conference”, Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow. Presentation [Details] |
(2004) | “Towards a Speech and Language Therapy Knowledge Centre” Health Informatics Society of Ireland Symposium, Dublin.
Mc Menamin R. (2004) “Towards a Speech and Language Therapy Knowledge Centre” Health Informatics Society of Ireland Symposium, Dublin. Presentation [Details] |
(2004) | “The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment technique” Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) National conference, The Park Hotel, Mullingar.
Mc Menamin R. (2004) “The Lee Silverman Voice Treatment technique” Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) National conference, The Park Hotel, Mullingar. Presentation [Details] |
Journal | Role | |
Medical Teacher | Reviewer | |
Journal Of Clinical Speech And Language Studies | Reviewer | |
BMC Medical Education | Reviewer |