The College has a vibrant research community with strategic research priorities that respond to the needs of some of the greatest health challenges facing global society and economy, including age-related conditions, cancer, chronic diseases, infection and mental health. There is a strong focus at the College on putting the patient at the centre of all health and social care research and education, with a belief that patients and public bring an authentic perspective to research at the College. Find out more about our research impact.

College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences

Search for courses using the search box below:

Course Name
Anaesthesia (Structured PhD)
Anatomy (Structured PhD)
Bacteriology (Structured PhD)
General Practice (Structured PhD)
Health Promotion (Structured PhD)
Medicine (Structured PhD)
Nursing and Midwifery (Structured PhD)
Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Structured PhD)
Occupational Therapy (Structured PhD)
Paediatrics (Structured PhD)
Pathology (Structured PhD)
Pharmacology and Therapeutics (Structured PhD)
Physiology (Structured PhD)
Podiatric Medicine (Structured PhD)
Psychiatry (Structured PhD)
Radiology (Structured PhD)
REMEDI (Structured PhD)—Regenerative Medicine Institute
Surgery (Structured PhD)
Biomedical Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (BMERM) (Structured PhD)
Population Health and Health Services Research (Structured PhD)
Speech and Language Therapy (Structured PhD)